
It's all running today, just slushy on the side streets. The main streets are all clear now. I'm surprised the high school seemed to be closed again. It is funny for me to watch people out here trying to cope with the snow. I grew up in the great lakes area, we had plenty of snow, at least when I was a kid. I just watched a teenaged girl get her little Fiat stuck in the snow. Tires spinning, no snow tires on it. Three teenaged boys stood there watching, puzzled... not helping. In Toronto, those young guys would have had her on the road in 30 seconds. Geez, they could have almost picked it up and carried it if they didn't know how to push a car! Hilarious! LOL

ha! that is freaking hilarious indeed sir Keith! what in the world? Those guys didn't know what to do? Isn't it a little obvious even for a warm climate person? lol.

I know, it seemed crazy. She just sat there spinning those little wheels, not moving at all, while they watched. It's isn't that hard... you rock it back and forth a couple times, then shove the thing...

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