Wednesday Walk | First day of 2020

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago

It's the first day of 2020...
For years, we've been given this vision of a new Malaysia, yeah.. we call it Wawasan 2020 and now that it's finally here, has anything changed for our country?

Oh yes !
We had a new government change after 61 years ( the opposition has finally overthrown & ruled over ). All this happened because the citizens finally outsmarted the government and realised what was happening all these years. Sometimes, we just need to look at the shadows and walk out of it...

TADA !!! Ure a survivor ...


It wasn't a walk in the park for any of us but we triumphed in the skies finally. There's more turbulence ahead because there's greater mountains to climb and bigger walls to break through; and we will do all this together.

I am proud to say I'm Malaysian no matter how many negative political or economical news there may be out there. We are one country that speaks multiple languages, have multiple races and celebrate multiple festive holidays. We are a developed country and able to stand on our own two feet - adapt well to foreign investments and we speak good command of English ... ha ha

I can't wait to see the growth of Malaysia and the visions for 2020 come true.


Even if the road ahead is narrow and lonely, it doesn't necessary mean it's dangerous. Sometimes, we just need to take a leap of faith and trust that God has plans for each any everyone of us.

As the saying goes, if you can dream, you can build it



Lets hope the change of Government and a new year and Decade brings good things for you and your Country

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk and Happy New year

Thank you so much @tattoodjay
And I have faith that it will come true
Happy New Year to you too..

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