
howdy again hananali! you will be going to meet a teacher for what kind of thing?
Badminton, isn't that for girls? a girls sport?
Oh, you guys at school get together to study and talk about the classes?

She enrolled me in an extra subject by mistake, that I never studied and she marked me absent as well giving me an F grade in it lol

I need to go sort that out, plus it's a good sport, good enough to keep yourself healthy, that's what matters , isn't it ? anyway girls are same like us too ;) happy women's day (late) :D

We get together at a friend's house to study and not in school, be at if you go school in weekdays, oh my there are so many girls that am afraid you can even think of studying lol

Howdy this evening hananali! Well I hope you get that mistake sorted out, that's crazy! lol

So you study at a friends house because there are no girls there? It's like a safe zone? lol.

Lol. Great conversation this is becoming here. And I must say badminton is quite an intensive sport if played at higher level. Played competition badminton as a teenager.

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Forget him (janton) he only knows how to comment 10,000 times every week, doesn't know anything out of steemit,no wonder weights a little over 110 kgs.

Badminton is love and a good sport for all ages,better than many games because to play badminton you don't need a lot of players or resources

Howdy again tijntje! well I know it is, I just like to tease hananali. But yes, I would be wiped out playing badminton and in fact, it takes such speed and agility I would be terrible at it! So kudos to you guys who can do it!

Mistake? badminton in love anyway ❤

hahahahaha yes, it's like a total safe zone with no girls, good food and a quiet calm study room for all us guys to make a lot of tour plans and everything in the world but studying:D

haha! hananali! what in the world? So this study safe zone is just to hang out and make friends?
Well according to you and your lack of friends this might be a good idea I guess. lol. It's good to have connections with guys who will go through school and get into business later on, you might be able to use the connections.

But if you move to the United States you don't need anyone but smithlabs!
Oh, I finally stumped smithlabs with a question! He knows nothing about Big Foot! Yeah, even though Oklahoma has tons of Big Foot sightings he knows nothing! lol.

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