9 holes for #wednesdaywalk

So.. this morning I found myself with about 90 minutes of free time.. recently @robertandrew said something about disc golfing.. sounds like a plan.. I'm already in Littleton so I head over to the course..


Alaska in tow we head off.. Hole 1 is the usual shit drive followed but a brilliant up shot for a easy par..


Up next my favorite.. Hole 2.. which features a huge drive.. 10 feet to birdie.. but just like doing dabs I choke like a 6 year girl .. the putt hits the front of the basket and falls to the ground. Another par..


Hole 3 is a bitch.. 500+ feet.. a bogey feels like a victory here..


Redemption at hole 4 where my drive hits the basket for a drop in birdie. Back to Even.


Hole 5 started out fabulous.. A great drive.. until I realized they had moved the pin... a decent second shot tho left me with a 6 footer for par..


Hole 6... the easiest hole on the course... unless you're @davedickeyyall.. a horrible drive.. a worse second shot.. followed by another putt bouncing off the basket.. Fuck me to tears. Bogey +1


Hole 7 is the smoking hole.. however this isn't a #weedcash post so I'll save the smokey details.. another long hole.. but downhill so another par..


Hole 8 .. kinda short so a good drive parked me by the basket for a birdie. Back to Even.


The last hole I'm playing.. another long one but I made a great second shot and even better putt to make par..


#beersaturday? Don't be absurd.. it's Wednesday..


Peace out y'all.. Dave



Great descriptions of the holes, plenty of shit talking 😂 Good to see you keeping the #walkwithme tag alive Dave!

Old tags never die..

Great way to get a good walk in....🍺

Where was Alaska? Not even a picture of him/her peeing on a post? No stealing of the disk? No action shot? I'm sure most of that happened, sounds like it was a fun outing.

She was there.. no disc stealing tho.. bad dog

Cool description of all the holes and how you did Par overall seems pretty good to me, and back when I drank Beer i did limit myself I only drank on days that had a Y in them :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Par is good on this course.. the back nine really get tough with all the OB

Since i have only ever thrown a disc a few times, I would most likely loose my discs or get such an embarrassing score on the first hole I would run away in shame


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