Unsuccessful walk: mischance - anti concentration or karma?

in #wednesdaywalk4 years ago

I know @tatoodjay used to say that on the #wednesdaywalk challenge, you have to tell and take pictures of what happened along the way in your walk, so today I'll try to do it.
My life is a continuous vanity. I'm always late everywhere, the transport is running away from me and the like.
Today's walk is no exception. Whether you want it or not but I'll tell you.
I had to get my sister to a pediatrician for an audition because her cough was getting worse. The doctor worked until five o'clock.
I was going for a long time because I had to carefully paint the acne on my face which had been scratched before because I had nothing to do.
Well, not to scare people I smeared them with a tonal. Looking back at the clock it turned out that it was already 16:27 and I needed to leave immediately. It seemed to me that I had calculated my time and made it, but it turned out that the time flew by very quickly and I reached the stop before the stop, I was already late.
I was approached by the only minibus that goes very seldom and for some reason I hoped that it would carry me and it would come. But as they say, where luck can come to mega. For fifteen minutes of standing I had to take action and walk.
There are 10 minutes to 17:00. I ran all the way downhill and eventually I came to the office six minutes before the end of the reception.
At the same time, the doctor came out and said that the appointment was over. I said that it was five minutes before the end, but they had a patient and they failed to listen. Although I went to this doctor since childhood.
In short, she doesn't remember me, but it's time for her to retire.
I was very angry.
Then I called my mom to clarify what to do. She said go to another doctor. We waited in line. They came in. I explained everything to her. She asked, Who are we?.
I called our last name, she said she wrote us in the wiber, so we would come tomorrow. And she had other patients so we had to miss them. I got out of the clinic and called my mother and found out that she had not written to my mother.
I already had a nervous breakdown.


In short, I went to a cafe to use the internet to see where the bus was. And since she was away I decided to wait and made a couple photos.


When I wake from a stupor it turned out that I was
missed this bus. I was so angry that I walked to the tram stop. On the way, I met three times the same minibus that did not arrive when I went to the hospital.
How in time!


I came to a stop and drove a tram right in front of me, after which a second tram arrived after a while.


I had to visit and agreed to meet the people who were supposed to meet me at 6:00 pm at McDonald's.


It's getting dark and I get off the tram and go to McDonald's.


No one has arrived yet, waiting ...

Thanks @tatoodjay for initiative #wednesdaywalk


What a hectic day I hope your friends arrive soon

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

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