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RE: Wednesday Walk Riverwalk Edition

in #wednesdaywalk6 years ago

That sounds a lot like my dog. My inlaws have a lot of squirrels in their yard and when we leave her there for a weekend she never wants to come in. She just lays in the yard all day and watches the squirrels. She was quick enough to catch one once. From what I hear it wasn't a pretty sight!


Sam is a hound. He caught a squirrel early on and just didn't know what to do with it. It was funny. He was a young dog then, I suspect he's got the idea now. Erv said he got a cottontail this summer and knew what to do. But he is funny to watch digging after them. He really gets it on.

My dog is a lab mix. We rescued her from the shelter. They said she was found in crate in a ditch along the road with her siblings. I took her to get some training one time and the trainer thought she might have some hound in her as well. The trainer ended up giving up on her. She said she isn't motivated by food so I don't really think I can help. It stinks sometimes because we can't walk her without a lead or anything. She takes off on us every chance she gets and doesn't come when prompted. Although I think she would come back eventually, you never know what could happen to her between her leaving and coming back. Those times when she has gotten away from us have been terrifying!

Oh, I was so lucky with Sam. His lead training was almost all done, I mean he was good on the lead. It took repetitive hard work to make sure he came when called, and still have an episode maybe every other month. But for the most part he is willing and wants to do what I want. We have a lot more dogs and walkers this time of year and I like him close to me when we are close to them. He's mostly automatic with it. He is truly a good doggy.

Not that he didn't have his problems, too. There is no doubt he was hit. He still flinches if I go to rub his head too fast, and he really flinches when he's on the lead and I stumble or drag a foot. It's pretty sad, but he gets better and better.

The only exception to all this is when he kicks out a jack rabbit. He runs like a greyhound and will really give chase. I know to just give him a little more time in that case. :)

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