Strolling with the Birds! Trucks, Muffins and Double Chocolate Fun!

in #wednesdaywalk5 years ago (edited)

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There is
something of
the marvelous
in all things
of nature


Oh boy did we walk!

The Birds have definitely been strolling! In fact each morning for the last 10 days I packed the little grand-bird into his stroller for a refreshing morning walk! A perfect opportunity for mom and dad to get a little extra shut-eye
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With ball in hand…

we hit the road. A flock of Ibis perched on top of the cocoa plum hedges. I'm sure they were hoping for a breakfast of tiny lizards. Suddenly I heard a tiny “oooooooooh” followed with a giggle! I’m sure he was just as amazed as I seeing them precariously stepping from limb to limb. Nature on full display for the Birds!
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The bougainvillea caught his eye…

and we just had to stop, just a touch with a whisper of “Pretty!” Such beautiful flowers, the bright colors singing in the morning light.
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What a beautiful fountain!

Quite a sight to behold, complete with a fresh spray of water as we rounded the circle!
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The asparagus fern….

definitely one of my favorites, was just too tempting! We had to have a touch! Oh so soft, be gentle little one.
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We had walked quite a bit…

time for just one more touch. This time it was a tickle from the sweet Mulygrass accompanied with another “wow
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By this time we were getting a wee bit hungry...

so we hurried home. This little one is fascinated with trucks of all kinds, so any truck we passed required serious study. Luckily arriving home we had a nice set of trucks to play with. I knew this would keep him busy while I made breakfast!
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Double Chocolate muffins were on the menu this morning!

I knew I had to work fast…the hungry flock of birds would be awake shortly!

Birds Double Chocolate Muffins

  • Ripe Bananas (2)
  • Maple Syrup (3 tbsp.)
  • Vanilla (2 tsp)
  • Coconut Oil (1/4 cup)
  • Almond flour (2 cups)
  • Cacao Powder (2 tbsp.)
  • Baking Soda (1 tsp)
  • Sea Salt (dash)
  • Dairy Free Chocolate Chips (1/2 cup)

While singing the latest…

version of Baby Shark, we mixed the wet ingredients in a bowl.
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Pirate Baby Shark…

was a new one for me. Have you heard it? We danced and sang while stirring in the dry ingredients.
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Sharing a few chocolate chips…

with the baby bird as he tugged on my shorts garnered a big chocolate smile.

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Quick, into the oven…

I hear footsteps quickly approaching! Baked at 350 degrees for 15-20 minutes, it was a challenge to let them cool for 5 minutes!
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I guess it was worth the wait!

Smiles all around! More Please?
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What a fun morning, certainly a fun @wednesdaywalk! Sharing the marvels of nature with my grandson is truly a blessing. There is nothing like seeing the joy on his face as he experiences nature at its best. Thanks to @tattoodjay we are able to share our walks from all around the globe! Take a moment to get out today, take a walk. I promise you’ll be so glad you did!

Thanks for stopping by!

Stay tuned for more sweet treats with the Bird family!
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Awh! So sweet- your grandson and the muffins!

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Thank you @cindyhartz, he was indeed a joy to have around. I loved feeding him new treats, he was happy to try everything, lol

Awh! Precious!

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A beautiful journey introducing a little one to the delights of Mother Earth.... AND a recipe! Wowie. I literally could eat those yummy little chocolatey hands. :) Soooo sweet.

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You are too sweet @artemislives but those hands...I know!!! Nothing like chubby hands and feet with babies :) Sharing nature with him is the best, everything is amazing as it should be. He's not afraid to try new foods too, obviously the cacao muffins were a hit. I'm still removing little leftover blueberries here and there. Thank you sweet friend, appreciate your kindness.

A nice walk with so much beauty I bet the grandbird loved his walk with you and then a tasty breakfast :)

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thank you @tattoodjay :) We had so many lovely walks, sad to see them go. Glad you enjoyed and thank you for your sweet #wednesdaywalk gathering!

Most welcome and yes must have bene so sad to see them go we see our grands at thanksgiving its been far to long and looking forward to it

I love hosting the walk I think this week will be the busiest its been over 50 Submissions

That mulygrass is STUNNING and those muffins look deeeeelicious!!! Clearly the little man approved too haha!

Thank you @jaynie! I love the mulygrass and he really got a kick out of it, lol We really enjoyed our morning walks searching for big trucks :) He is quite a joy and blessing

Oh my, look at those adorable messy hands! How cute!

I had forgotten how messy these little ones get while eating, lol Washing up after each meal and snack was a full time job. :) Well worth it, it was fun sharing new foods with him. A real treat, sad to see them go. Thanks @jayna

There is nothing more beautiful than the smile of our little ones when they finish a treat prepared by ourselves!

Chocolate muffins vs baby shark song. That is a tough bargain to be driven even more so if that song gets stuck in your head for the day!

Looks like you two had an amazing time out and about.

Ah those little sticky fingers are too gorgeous, glad you had such special family times!

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