🌿Wednesday Walk

#wednesdaywalk challenge
👣hosted by @tattoodjay

Wednesday walk photos taken at my cabin early yesterday morning.

The second Dragonfly pupa shell I've seen this year.
Bumblebee going in for a landing on a scarlet zinnia.
Yellow caterpillar
Berkeley Polypore mushroom
I was walking to my vehicle to getting ready to leave and spot Mr. Bear coming out of the woods.

Photos taken by


What cool shots the dragonfly Shellis something one seldom sees, and the hairy caterpillar how cool is that not so cool is the bear did you start clapping

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :)

Thank You..!!!
I did give it a big round of applause...!! So far it has always worked.

Thats good that applause works :)

I can never say enough how important it is not to feed the bears and in no way befriend them. For me they respond well with loud sharp hand claps. I also and often say go away. I have heard it's best not to turn your back on them and run. I was very prepared to go back inside my cabin. I was a very short distance from my door.

Luckily no bears near us or my wife would probably never go outside
I too have read never turn you back on them if clapping is working fir you keep to it

These are terrific @annephilbrick!! I've never seen a dragonfly shell before and really never thought about their life cycle. I love how you caught the raindrops on the yellow caterpillar also but you can keep that bear..lol! Kidding sort of! The bear is pretty cool too!! 😉

Thank You..!!!
The dragonfly metamorphosis is pretty cool...!!
The bears are amazing creatures. Truly worthy of great respect and appreciation.

You are welcome @annephilbrick! 🙂

@annephilbrick HOLY SHIT, talk about being face to face with a bear, YIKES, I would be clapping, stomping, yelling and any other "ing" you can think of. And you took the time to take a pic, you are my HERO. by the way, the other pictures are pretty cool.

When I saw the bear come out of the woods I started walking backwards to a safe zone near my door. Took a quick picture and then scared it off.
I don't chance danger. I have always been able to get a bear to move along but I never know when I may encounter a bear with an attitude.
Their frequent visits will subside when the berries gone.

@annephilbrick Good to know, bears must be like bull sharks, you swim with them all the time but never know when you come across one with an attitude. Bull sharks don't leave when you yell or clap.

Nice berkeley polypore, i guess it's edible when its just starting out but it gets bitter with age. I almost tried eating one before but it was too tough by the time i found it.

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I've haven't tried eating berkeley..yet.
This one was very large so it would probably be quite bitter.

Oh wow, wonderful shots! Did the bear turn around when he saw you or did you disappear?

Thank You...!!
I did ask bear to move along. It was pretty much volunteering on it's own to leave.

oh you talk to the bears?? And they listen?? lol.

Hello @janton...!!!
Works for me..🤷‍♀️🙂..!!
A human voice I think is very perplexing to them.

Very interesting. As long as it doesn't make them too curious!

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