Is creating a mobile site really important?

in #webistes4 years ago

I have heard in the last few months people comment on mobile site. And today I wonder if creating a mobile site is really important, especially for those who have an online business.

This question has been increasingly asked in the online world, because the number of Internet accesses through the cell phone has been increasing. It is worth beginning to point out that mobile and cellular are issues that have a deep affinity.

Note what a survey conducted by IBGE gave us of important information: More than 80% of households where there is internet, wi-fi for example, most access is done via Smartphone.

That's right what you just read: until a few years ago computers, such as PC and notebook, were the devices that led this ranking. Now they are in the 75% of accesses.

With this very important data, then you notice that the cell phone today is the main device to access the internet. And using internet via smartphone is not the same as accessing via notebook.

No, this is not a discovery that I made now, but it is just to emphasize and make it very clear that the accesses made on the smartphone require a responsive theme, that is, that adapts easily to the most diverse screen sizes of these devices.

Now that you know that the internet is being taken by cell phones, then it became much clearer to begin to understand the importance of having a mobile site, that is, a site adapted for cell phones.

What is a mobile site?
I know that you have already formulated in your mind what a mobile site is, especially after the clarifications I made at the beginning of this article.

However, it is always good for us to give those didactic words that will help you never forget this concept.

I will tell you that the mobile site is a kind of application for the internet. It is specially developed for use on mobile devices, such as smartphones.

It is one thing to talk about the responsive website, which is one that adapts easily to computer screens. And another thing is the mobile site, which easily adapts to the screens of smartphones and tablets, considering their own technologies.

Mobile site vs. traditional site
Surely you have already accessed the internet through your cell phone. And, I believe, it has come to the conclusion that access is somewhat different when accessed through the notebook.

This is because the web application, that is, the mobile site is different from the site commonly used on larger devices, such as the PC.

When accessing the internet through the smartphone, you will be using a different technology than the notebook. And it must cherish the user experience, so this reason can be different.

Please note that during this access you can use your cell phone's GPS and even the camera. These are technologies specific to these devices.

First the mobile site, then the traditional site!
It is already a consensus among application developers that you should first create a traditional website.

This idea is based on the numerous surveys carried out by IBGE and also by other specific institutions that seek to find out what means are commonly used to access the international computer network.

This is where what I call mobile first comes in. This concept suggests that you start your work on a mobile device and then develop the web project for the mobile phone.

A few years ago, Google started to develop its own system to index searches performed using these devices. At that moment, the company would be putting into practice the concept of mobile first.

And why is the mobile site really important?
Even if I wanted to leave that question blank, you must surely imagine why. After all, just with the words written so far you would already have the answer.

On the other hand, it would also get a response by observing people in their most diverse environments. What are they doing?

Certainly they have their smartphones in their hands working on one thing and another, obviously accessing the internet, it doesn't matter if they are at home, at college, at the restaurant, or even in traffic (but in traffic, they can't!).

The truth in practice confirms the results of surveys that say that mobile devices are leaders in accessing the internet.

For this reason, if a company does not have a mobile site, it will certainly tend to lose users, that is, leads who may one day become its customers, and do you know why?

Simply because these people when searching for information about the company will not find them, or if they do, they will not have a good experience, since this information will not be presented on their mobile screens in the most responsive way possible.

People in these situations will tend to seek out the same information in the competition, and due to great frustration, they will certainly never again turn to your company.

Data that prove the importance of a mobile site for the company!
It is always good for us to talk in theory and show evidence in practice. To do this, you can access the search conducted by Google at the following address

This study is important because it relates cell phone access to the internet and marketing businesses. It is actually a survey of consumer behavior.

Among the many results found in this research, it is very worthwhile to mention some of them that prove how important it is for you to adapt your site for mobile devices.

  1. Users use the internet to search for business information
    You already know that, and it is precisely for this reason that you have a website to advertise your business, and maybe even a blog too.

However, I must make it clear that the big catch is that these users are using the Internet through mobile devices, such as cell phones, smartphones and tablets.

So, citing palpable data, the survey conducted by Google says that 89% of these people when they seek information about different companies and varied products, use their smartphones.

  1. Users compare prices on online stores
    You also already know that users are looking for price comparisons in online stores every day. It is for this reason that your business is both physical and digital.

However, a precious detail in this story, you may not know yet, is that these surveys are carried out using cell phones.

According to Google, 13% of users residing in Brazil visit digital stores using their cell phone to check prices.

  1. Users buy online
    It is also a known fact among people that users all over the world use the internet to make purchases. That is, fashion is no longer buying only in physical stores, but also in online stores.

The idea that I want to give you here is based on this research carried out by Google. The result says that 30% of Brazilian people use their smartphones to buy over the internet.

  1. Users get frustrated when they can't get information over the internet
    Now here's something you might not have thought about: do your leads and customers feel happy when they don't have a good experience when accessing your website using their cell phones?

Certainly, and based on the research carried out by Google, 32% of Brazilians are frustrated when they search for information on a website and it does not appear properly on their screen.

  1. Users are mostly young
    Did you know that almost 50% of users who use the internet in Brazil are in the age group of 18 to 34 years old?

To be exact and reproduce the result of the research, I must reveal that 48% of Brazilians are young, and these are those who are accessing the internet through their Smartphone in search of the most diverse products and services.

  1. Google optimized its search engine to be mobile friendly
    For some years now, to be exact since 2015, the largest content indexer today, Google, has made great use of its system to highlight the mobile site.

When things like that happen, we call them mobile-friendly. In practice, it means that the system gives priority to mobile devices over notebooks and PCs.

In practice, this means that the Google buscardor does not show those sites that are not responsive, especially when they use their smartphone to search the internet.

You have a business? Then create a mobile site!
If you have a business, it doesn't matter if the size is small, medium or large, but you want to stay active in the competitive market, then put this advice into practice:

Include your business in online searches
If 89% of Brazilians are looking for information about companies and products on the internet, using their smartphones, then here is the first big reason for you to have a mobile site.

Certainly your business will be left out of a survey conducted by an internet user, a lead in this case, if you are not responsive enough to give this user a positive experience.

You already know that: Google itself will not list your site in the search results. And how will your lead know that your business exists?

Don't be afraid to show your prices
If 13% of internet users in Brazil are comparing prices in physical stores, then why not build a mobile site for your business?

You must agree with me that if a user is looking for price information, then it is because he is interested in purchasing a product or service.

If your site is listed in this survey, the chances of closing a sale will be huge, especially if your price is really competitive.

Online sale
If you know that online sales are increasing with each passing day, and that we have 30% of people in Brazil making their purchases through the Smartphone, then why not focus on a mobile site?

You can even have a physical business and do great, thanks! But, if you want to continue in this market and compete on equal terms, in addition to increasing your sales, you must be present in the online world.

This is possible as long as you create a website or online store with responsive access, focusing primarily on the users who will use it via cell phone.

Don't disappoint your leads
Remember that leads are your potential customers. Today they are internet users and use their cell phone to carry out the most diverse actions in the online world.

Be careful not to disappoint them. If they look for you, show yourself to them! Allow their experience in relating to your business to be as pleasant as possible.

Do not allow your leads to be or be included in these 32% of users who get frustrated when they access a particular website via their smartphone and are unable to view the content correctly.

Create your own youth strategy
You must have a strategic plan to promote your products to young audiences, unless your product or service is offered exclusively to the elderly, which I believe is not the case.

The mobile site is the first goal of this planning. We saw that almost 50% of Brazilians who use the internet do this using their smartphone.

Creating a mobile site is really important, especially if you already own or want to set up a business. The numerical data proves this easily.

In practice, we can also see evidence. And the trend since then is that the number of users accessing the internet through their smartphones will grow.

Do not stay out of this market that is renewed every day and, consequently, becomes increasingly competitive.

Be present in the digital world, whether creating a website or blog, as long as it is responsive, easily adapts to the screens of different mobile devices, especially smartphones and tablets.

Follow every advice I passed on to you in this old one. All of them were listed based on extensive market research, where I also considered all of my extensive experience in the online market.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am at your disposal, because after all, my intention is to help you have a successful business in the online world! See you!

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