
underappreicated componet of our life too.

Just wait till cars that are not automated become a crime to put on the public roads because people make mistakes. LOL

you say that like it's a bad thing.

kinda, i love driving. i cant think of anything better in life then driving down the highway next to the coast on a sunny day with the windows down and the stereo up. the idea that that could be a crime hurts my brain. if it drops the car accidents to nothing, then ok i get it but if there are still going to be automated car accidents then its just trading the choice of driving yourself for the illusion of security.

Know what would make this comic better? More guns. What's the stop people with guns from just going around and killing a ton of people? I guess it's just that most people are murderers. An underappreciated component of our everyday lives.

good point.
more gunz less crime..
and it keep the guberment honest
(yah..I know..kinda hard to wrap your mind around the concept of an honest guberment)

Remember Obama "We gave assault weapons to rebels in Syria to overthrow the government that doesn't represent them" then later "Why do you need guns? Americans don't need guns."

the less I think about the Kenyan the more I like it.
I suffered pretty bad cause of him.

A lot of people suffered pretty bad because of him. Really tired of seeing people kiss his ass when he was a filthy war monger.

methinks he was orders of magnitude worse than that.

Hey sir @everittdmickey.
I appreciate your consistency here on STEEMIT.
You have been holding on ever since the onset and I appreciate your efforts.
Just want to give you a pat on the back and say well done sir.


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