I was born a devil... A devil dreaming about being an angel.

in #webcomic7 years ago (edited)

Well, i think i didn't introduce myself properly in any of my blog posts, so let's do it with the process of a very personnal drawing...

My real name is Alexandre (Alexander) and i was, at the beginning, like anyone else, a baby in the womb of my mother of course ^^


But as time passed, and the day i would be born was nearer and nearer... some discoveries were to be found with the pepscan / baby irm. An unknown part of a normally formed human body would appear but didn't worry the medical staff.


A tail. A baby with a tail. It was pretty rare but not life threatening or anything, so they didn't worry my parents with this too much, but it would already have an effect on me that would pursue me through a good part of my life later.


To some personnal extent of what i endured in my life, i allways saw it like a curse, i was born... born with a genetical problem, i would be born as a problem they would have to take care almost all their life, i would be born as the devil.


This tail wasn't really a tail with bones, just some flesh hanging between my ass's cheeks for the time being, but it really looked like a demon's tail the time i had it still attached on me.


I would know, later that i was born with some category of spina bifida, not the worst case, but enough to give me a bunch of health problems, like insensitivity in my leg's nerves, no sensation in the feets as i grew up, big headaches due to bowel lazyness, faster dehydratation than any normal metabolism, a lot of allergies ( cat 110%, dogs 40%, high intolerance to dust and soap / agressive shampoo gets my skin red / burning to the first and sometimes 2nd degree if i don't take care about the neutrality of the ph and some of the elements / particles found in most soap or shower gels ) i also have a bunch of anxiety issues with this, stress that stems from a very troubled childhood (parents separated when i was 4 year old, and they were not willing to take this burden on their shoulders, they were very unresponsible, the both of them and i received little to no following medically for my special condition, so it got worse than it could actually be for this mid level of spina bifida, now that i'm older they try to redeem themselves a little, i don't condemn them, they were preoccupied by their own conditions and self at the time, they come from famillies where they suffered pretty harsh childhood conditions too and understand more things now that we had talks. )

I was born the devil, and the only thing i could do to escape my childhood, the way i was and some of my deep sufferings was to draw, imagine my own characters, my own universes, live another life in these worlds and just dream, dream of a world where i wouldn't be a monster, but maybe an angel.

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