WEB 1 - Ability to only read stuffs in the internet
WEB 2 - Ability to read and write contents. Even though you own it, you’re not in full control of it.
WEB 3 - Ability to read, write and own contents. Decentralized
Looking forward to Web 4 and more. Even though it was announced early this year by Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter that we are now in Web 5, it made me wonder, what’s it all about?
To my own understanding, after some research, I discovered that Web 5 was about OWNERSHIP OF DATA. Remember how you surf the internet and you provide your data which is stored, saved, giving access of your data to these centralized platforms. What Web 5 does is to eliminate such access of your data which enables you surf through the internet without sharing your data with centralized authorities and built around Bitcoin.
Amazing right? Well, the process is still ongoing, so yeah! How decentralized Is Web 5? There’re advantages and disadvantages to this, but it’s amazing to know that it’s a working progress.
Let’s hear your thought and expression to this upcoming development
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