COMBO - An innovative ecosystem that provides multiple scaling solutions for Web3 game development

in #web3last year



Web3 games (sometimes called play-to-earn, play-to-own, crypto, blockchain or NFT games) are digital games which use blockchain technology as an underlying component of a game’s economy.

Web3 games are defined by having game assets that are owned (held in custodial wallets) by players in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) or Fungible Tokens. The functional implication of this innovation is that player assets are tangibly owned, and liquid markets exist to enable assets to be sold or traded much like a physical goods.

The fact that players in play-to-earn web3 game economies own in-game asset draws a stark contrast to traditional Free-To-Play (Freemium) game economies, which have largely exist within a closed ecosystem preventing players from trading in-game items for real world value.

Along with the increasing number of gamers, more and more companies outside of gaming are interested in exploring the gaming industry. The reason is because they are aware that games can be used to get closer to young consumers, especially the Millennial and Gen Z generations.

From the company's involvement in the gaming industry, it can indirectly encourage the level of consumer interaction in the real world when using NFTs. However, for that, the company must be able to provide a collection of NFTs that do provide specific functionality in the real world. Platforms like COMBO will no doubt play an important role in shaping the future of the industry. With its focus on innovation, accessibility and community engagement, COMBO is well-positioned to drive mass adoption of Web3 games and empower developers and investors to unlock the full potential of this exciting and fast-growing space.

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About COMBO.

Successful completion of the Cocos-BCX rebranding process, transitioning to the COMBO network, the leading scaling solution for Web3 game developers. The new name COMBO is in line with our increased focus on creating the next generation of decentralized gaming infrastructure. The revamped brand represents a strong sense of 'combo', a mission to grow together with web3 gaming in-ecosystem partners, and a goal of mutual benefit for all parties involved.

COMBO is a leading provider of scaling solutions for Web3 game development. By leveraging the world’s top game engine, Combo is building an open-source, decentralized, game-oriented Layer2 that is accessible to everyone. It aims to maximize the potential of Web3 games by connecting game developers with the entire ecosystem in an efficient, affordable, and secure way.

COMBO is an innovative ecosystem that provides a range of scaling solutions for Web3 game development. It aims to address the challenges faced by developers in building and scaling blockchain-based games by offering a comprehensive set of tools, technologies, and services.

Here are some key features and solutions offered by the COMBO ecosystem:

  • Scalability Solutions: COMBO focuses on scalability and offers various scaling solutions for Web3 game development. This includes layer 2 solutions like sidechains or state channels, which enable off-chain processing and reduce the burden on the underlying blockchain network. By utilizing these scaling solutions, developers can enhance the performance and throughput of their games.

  • Developer Tools: COMBO provides a suite of developer tools and libraries to simplify the process of building Web3 games. These tools may include software development kits (SDKs), APIs, smart contract templates, and documentation to assist developers in creating decentralized games on the COMBO platform.

  • Cross-Chain Interoperability: COMBO aims to achieve interoperability between different blockchain networks. It allows developers to build games that can seamlessly interact with multiple blockchains, enabling cross-chain functionality and enhancing the overall user experience.

  • Tokenization and NFT Support: The COMBO ecosystem supports tokenization and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for in-game assets. Developers can leverage COMBO’s infrastructure to tokenize in-game items, characters, or other assets, providing players with true ownership and enabling decentralized marketplaces for trading these assets.

  • Community and Marketplace: COMBO fosters a vibrant community of game developers, players, and enthusiasts. It offers a marketplace where developers can showcase their games, collaborate, and access additional resources. This ecosystem facilitates networking opportunities, feedback exchange, and knowledge sharing among members.

  • Governance and Decentralization: COMBO is built on decentralized principles, emphasizing community governance. Participants within the ecosystem can actively participate in decision-making processes, ensuring transparency, fairness, and the evolution of the platform according to the needs and consensus of its users.

Overall, COMBO strives to empower developers in the Web3 gaming space by providing scalable infrastructure, developer tools, interoperability, tokenization support, and fostering a collaborative community. By leveraging these resources, developers can create innovative blockchain-based games with improved scalability and user experiences.


COMBO Network offers enhanced interoperability as one of its key features. Here are some advantages and use cases of COMBO Network’s enhanced interoperability:


  • Cross-Chain Asset Exchange: COMBO Network enables seamless transfer and exchange of assets across different blockchain networks. This means that users can easily transfer their in-game assets or tokens from one blockchain to another without the need for complex conversions or intermediaries. This enhances liquidity and accessibility for users, opening up new opportunities for asset utilization and trading.

  • Enhanced Market Reach: By leveraging COMBO Network’s interoperability, developers can target a broader user base across different blockchain ecosystems. They can create games that interact with multiple blockchains, allowing players from various networks to participate and engage with their creations. This expanded market reach increases the potential for user adoption and revenue generation.

  • Collaboration and Ecosystem Growth: COMBO Network’s interoperability facilitates collaboration and synergy among different projects and communities within the Web3 gaming space. Developers from various blockchain ecosystems can work together, share resources, and combine their expertise to create innovative games and experiences. This collaborative environment fosters ecosystem growth and innovation.

Use Cases:

  • Cross-Chain Gaming: COMBO Network enables developers to create games that leverage assets and functionalities from multiple blockchains. For example, a game could utilize Ethereum for its main gameplay mechanics, while incorporating assets from other blockchains like Binance Smart Chain or Polygon. This allows for a diverse gaming experience that taps into the strengths of different blockchain networks.

  • Interconnected Metaverses: COMBO Network’s enhanced interoperability can facilitate the creation of interconnected metaverses. Metaverses are virtual worlds where users can interact, own assets, and participate in various activities. With COMBO’s cross-chain capabilities, developers can connect different metaverses built on different blockchains, allowing users to seamlessly navigate and transfer assets between these virtual worlds.

  • Cross-Platform Gameplay: COMBO Network’s interoperability can enable cross-platform gameplay, where users from different blockchain networks can play together in the same game environment. This breaks down the barriers between different platforms and creates a unified gaming experience, irrespective of the underlying blockchain technology.

  • Interoperable Asset Marketplaces: COMBO Network’s enhanced interoperability allows for the creation of decentralized marketplaces where users can trade assets from different blockchains. This opens up opportunities for asset owners to reach a larger pool of potential buyers and increases liquidity in the market. Users can easily buy, sell, and trade assets from different blockchains within a single marketplace.

In summary, COMBO Network’s enhanced interoperability brings several advantages to the Web3 gaming ecosystem, including cross-chain asset exchange, expanded market reach, collaboration opportunities, and interconnected metaverses. These features enable developers to create innovative gaming experiences and provide users with enhanced accessibility, liquidity, and gameplay possibilities.


COMBO aims to build a strong and scalable ecological economy within its ecosystem. Here are some ways in which COMBO achieves this goal:

  • Token Economy: COMBO establishes a robust token economy within its ecosystem. It typically includes a native utility token that serves as a medium of exchange, rewarding participants for their contributions and incentivizing desirable behaviors. The token can be used for various purposes, such as accessing platform features, participating in governance, purchasing in-game assets, and engaging in economic activities within the ecosystem.

  • Incentive Mechanisms: To foster active participation and engagement, COMBO implements incentive mechanisms that reward users and developers for their contributions. This can include distributing tokens to users who play games, create content, provide valuable feedback, or contribute to the development of the ecosystem. By incentivizing participation, COMBO encourages a thriving and active community.


Join and Try COMBO Testnet Launch: Revolutionizing Web3 Gaming

The long-awaited COMBO Testnet Launch is finally here, marking a significant milestone in the world of web3 gaming. Brace yourself for a revolution as COMBO introduces a wave of innovative features that will reshape the landscape of gaming as we know it. This extraordinary event opens the doors to the next era of gaming evolution, offering unparalleled opportunities for developers and gamers alike.

COMBO Network's Test Net launch event is an excellent opportunity for individuals to immerse themselves in the network's vibrant community. By joining the event, participants can interact with like-minded enthusiasts, learn about the latest developments, and gain insights from industry experts. This event marks the beginning of a collaborative journey towards the future of blockchain technology and its integration with real-world applications.

The Test Net serves as a testing environment for developers and enthusiasts to explore the capabilities of COMBO Network. It offers a range of exciting features, including enhanced scalability, improved interoperability, and advanced smart contract functionalities. These features lay the foundation for the platform's seamless integration with existing systems and the creation of novel decentralized applications (dApps).

The Investment Potential

For investors looking to capitalize on the exponential growth of the blockchain gaming industry, COMBO presents an enticing investment opportunity. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Market Potential: The global gaming market is already massive, and the integration of blockchain technology is poised to take it to new heights. According to industry reports, the blockchain gaming market is projected to reach billions of dollars in the coming years. As one of the leading blockchain game development platforms, COMBO is well-positioned to capitalize on this market potential.

  • Established Track Record: COMBO's rebranding from Cocos BCX brings with it a proven track record of success in the blockchain gaming space. The team behind COMBO has extensive experience in developing successful blockchain games and has formed strategic partnerships with prominent companies in the industry. This track record instills confidence in investors, as it demonstrates the team's ability to deliver and execute their vision.

  • Growing User Base: The gaming community is embracing blockchain gaming at an accelerating pace. Gamers are increasingly drawn to the benefits of true ownership, transparent economies, and the ability to monetize their in-game assets. COMBO's user base is expected to grow rapidly as more developers and gamers recognize the advantages it offers. Investors stand to benefit from the network effect as the platform gains traction and attracts a larger audience.

  • Future Expansion and Development: COMBO has ambitious plans for expansion and further development of its platform. With ongoing research and development, the network aims to introduce cutting-edge features such as cross-chain interoperability, enhanced scalability, and improved user experiences. These advancements have the potential to drive increased adoption and value appreciation for COMBO’s native token, creating opportunities for investors.


Here is Tokenomics of COMBO

COMBO’s tokenomics is intended to guarantee a fair and adjusted conveyance of tokens among members and patrons.
Underneath, we frame the symbolic dispersion and distribution for different purposes.

The COMBO issues utility tokens that can be converted into tokens on the platform. The COMBO token is a representative token that can be used for various activities on the COMBO Association platform. Holders of COMBO tokens can trade them or use them for various purposes. The COMBO Association plans to circulate these tokens through a token distribution program, which clients can obtain freely from the business community on the COMBO Association website.

  • Maximum Supply (100,000,000) - The total supply of COMBO tokens is 100 million units, which provides a solid foundation for the platform’s development and growth.

  • Undiluted Tokens (71%) - The undiluted tokens cover 71% of the entire supply, which powers different parts of the COMBO environment and ensures its smooth development.

  • Testnet and Mainnet Airdrops (17%) - These airdrops aim to reward early adopters and attract more users during testnet and mainnet launches.

  • Seed Funds (17.5%)- These funds are invested in potential projects and new partnerships within the COMBO environment, fostering new developments and improvements.

  • Governance Resources (17.5%) - These tokens are dedicated to association holdings, which enable the community to make informed decisions about COMBO through decentralized democratic participation.

  • Hackathons, Upgrades, and Special Initiatives (35%)- These tokens support the development and progress of new COMBO environments by sponsoring hackathons, incentives, and specific initiatives.

  • Other Initiatives (13%) - The remaining pure tokens are used for different initiatives and fees within the COMBO environment.


With the COMBO decentralized gaming platform, engineers can zero in on making new satisfied as opposed to agonizing over keeping up with their game servers, making the most common way of making games consistent, secure and effective. Hoping to purchase Cocos-BCX? Look at top digital currency trades like Binance, Bybit, Bitrue, Bitget, and BTCEX, or visit the crypto trades page for additional choices. What's more, on the off chance that you're a Web3 gamer, consider Combo for an effective and open association with the intriguing universe of blockchain gaming. How about we Join COMBO today in the Web3 gaming world.

#COMBO @Combonetworkio #Combonetworkio #Cocos #blockchain #Web3 #Gamefi #cryptocurrency

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Username: Kapiten
Forum Profile Link:;u=2046076
BSC Wallet Address: 0x0c2F45269CA177fD93FC82989e9054d9dBdbBec1

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