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in #web3last year (edited)

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Introduce about Combo:

Web3 gaming is an exciting and innovative sector that combines blockchain technology with traditional gaming. A new generation of transparent, safe, and true-ownership-based games has emerged due to the decentralization of blockchain technology. Scalability, however, is among the most challenging problems that Web3 game developers must deal with.

In this situation, Combo is useful. Combo is committed to maximizing the potential of Web3 games as the leading supplier of scaling solutions for game creation. Using the top gaming engine in the world, they are developing an open-source Layer2 that is accessible and has a game focus. Anyone can use the decentralized Layer 2 technology. Developers will have a seamless, economical, and secure connection to the whole Web3 gaming ecosystem thanks to the Layer2 solution.

Combo aims to assist game creators in making entertaining and engaging games and provide players with genuine ownership over their in-game assets. This is accomplished by using blockchain technology to provide a transparent and secure gaming platform. The platform’s decentralized design guarantees that player assets are safe from fraud or theft while giving them total control over their assets.

COMBO - Providing a Comprehensive Solution for Game Developers:
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COMBO serves as a middleware gaming platform, offering a one-stop solution for Web3 developers. By streamlining the development process, COMBO allows developers to focus on their core business and deliver quality games for the GameFi sector. The platform incorporates a first-class MPC-TSS Authentication service, wallet-as-a-service, a comprehensive NFT solution, and data services to ensure security and protection against hacks.

Essential Components of an Engaging Web3 Gaming Experience-

It is essential to ensure that gaming platforms are available to a wide range of users to provide players with an exciting and entertaining gaming experience. Additional requirements include quick and seamless real-time interactions, economic openness, and cross-platform interoperability. Maintaining fair and open games while protecting consumers' privacy is also crucial.

  1. Fairness and openness: By ensuring that all players are aware of the rules and mechanics of the game, gaming platforms should prioritize fairness and transparency. It is essential to stop any fraud, cheating, or hacking that can jeopardize user security or the game’s fairness. As a result, the community and gaming platform grow in trust and confidence.

  2. Economic openness: As part of this, gaming platforms should allow users to create, exchange, and profit from their in-game objects, characters, or levels. They should also make it easier for users to transact across platforms and for various gaming ecosystems to work together. With more freedom and opportunities, players can show off their entrepreneurship and innovation in gaming.

  3. Privacy Protection: Gaming platforms should respect and protect users' personal information and preferences. They should give users choices and authority over how their data is gathered, utilized, and shared. Users can enjoy greater privacy and security when gaming in this way.

  4. Real-time interactions: Whether players are playing collaboratively or competitively, gaming platforms should make it easy for them to communicate quickly and easily. Users should receive regular updates and feedback on their play and the game’s current condition to increase their immersion and sense of connection.

  5. Accessibility: Users with various preferences, skills, and abilities should be able to play on gaming platforms. As demonstrated in the current web2-based games that support checking in with social media accounts, this will enable more users to access gaming material without any obstacles or limitations.

Scaling Web3 Gaming to New Heights:

Web3 gaming is the future, and COMBO is at the forefront of this revolution. With its innovative Layer2 scaling solution, COMBO is addressing the challenges of scalability, affordability, and security that have been holding back the widespread adoption of Web3 games. By connecting game developers with the entire ecosystem in an efficient and decentralized way, COMBO is unlocking the full potential of Web3 games, paving the way for a billion-player gaming experience.

Game-Focused Optimistic Rollup on the Binance Smart Chain:
COMBO's game-focused optimistic rollup solution is built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), one of the fastest-growing blockchains in the world. This strategic partnership with BSC provides COMBO with unparalleled speed, security, and interoperability, making it an ideal platform for game developers to build and scale their games. With BSC's massive user base and vibrant community, COMBO is poised to capture a significant share of the gaming market.

How to Use Combo Network Swap:

COMBO provides a seamless token swap experience for users of both centralized exchanges (CEX) and decentralized exchanges (DEX). Here's how the swap process works on a DEX:

  1. Visit https://combonetwork.io and connect your wallet to the corresponding chain. Users with $COCOS (BEP-20) should connect to the BNB chain, while users with $COCOS (ERC-20) should connect to the Ethereum chain.

  2. Click on "Swap COMBO Token" located at the bottom of the homepage or go to https://combonetwork.io/swap-combo.
    Click on "APPROVE" and set your preferred spending cap in the provided box.

  3. After approval on the chain, enter the amount of tokens you wish to swap and click on "SWAP." It’s important to note that the exchange rate is 1 $COCOS = 1 $COMBO. Upon completion, $COMBO tokens will be seamlessly delivered to your wallet address.

  4. Users with $COCOS on centralized exchanges should contact the respective exchange’s customer service team for information on the swap schedule and procedure.


Scalability has become a significant challenge in the blockchain space, hindering the adoption of Web3. However, COMBO aims to overcome this hurdle and offers a comprehensive view on building Web3 through its blockchain-based platform. With features like layer two scaling, DeFi integration, and GameFi support, COMBO reduces gas fees, increases speed, and enhances network bandwidth. The platform provides robust security, empowering sovereign networks to adapt and modify their architectures as needed, all while driving the growth and innovation of the Web3 ecosystem.

Official sites:
Website: https://combonetwork.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/combonetworkio
Telegram group: https://t.me/COMBONetworkio
Telegram channel: https://t.me/COMBONetworkNews
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/MtSDsjJDR8
Medium: https://medium.com/combonetwork
Coinmarketcap link: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/cocos-bcx/

Author information:
Bitcointalk username: Bitluck77

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