in #web7 years ago

I remember WEB 1.0. I mean that in the sense that I can remember it with hindsight. At the time it was just 'The web'.

It was an exciting new technology, but not a generational iteration. However with the introduction of WEB 2.0, web apps heralded in sites such as facebook/youtube/snapchat etc. As it came into focus the blurred lines between the initial generation came into focus.


Now that we are at the dawn of WEB 3.0 the lines between the previous generation are beginning to form.

With this a clear and understandable pattern is forming. With each generation, a massive speculative bubble forms.

With WEB 1.0 we had the battle of things like search engines/trading/web presence sites etc. Massive funds went into sites such as myspace and yahoo. Many alternative sites failed and a lot of people lost money. But in general the technology was brilliant, and the success stories dwarfed the fails.

WEB 2.0 brought web apps, and social media. Facebook had many imitators and a large injection of funds into the industry. But also along with it came high profile failures too.

We are now at the dawn of WEB 3.0 with the blockchain front and centre. The speculation is here, and every consivable industry is gaining a blockchain presence.

The blockchain is without doubt to currency of WEB 3.0, both metaphorically and practically.

The trick is to figure out which ones are truly disrupting and evolving. We are at the gold rush stage of this technology.

Hindsight makes it easy, but the crypto scene gives us the chance to literally put our money where our mouth is.

My question to the cominuity is... What lessons can we learn from WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0?



Keep your question aside... First anwer what have U understood from WEB 1.0 and WEB 2.0?

I understand that the lines between WEB 1 0 & 2.0 are very blurred.

But I allways see Web 1.0 to be sites and commerce .. 2.0 to be using the web as a platform, and Web 3.0 to be decentralised.

But it’s an interesting question...

Sadly. Its Not... Web 1.0 won't allow a user to comment, like a blog or website. It's more like a one way communication. Whereas Web 2.0 allow user to provide information in easy UI.. we are still finding web 3.0.. its not here...yet.. may be a mixed reality.. not sure...

Maybe your correct.

However I think of WEB 3.0 to be decentralised.. An example would be the IPFS.

I think of thing like mixed reality to be just a service on what ever forms the basis of the new web.


No answer, I have to hurry up to go back to fiat. 😂
Check out my blog and consider following me..

Noooooooo!... im hanging onto my fiat....it took me enough effort to convert it to crypto.

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