It's gonna get COLD

in #weather7 years ago (edited)

today it was in the seventies...almost eighty (F)
in an hour or two the Artic Blast will arrive.
the prediction is....below freezing...almost zero (F)
by sunup.
Freezing rain.

The city of austin...well
they've surprised me.

they schools have ALREADY posted closing schedules.
it's falling down stupid to take kids out in Freezing rain.
and I guarantee there will be a LOT of falling down
and wrecks.
best to just stay home.

The wife and I (she's taken off work) are going to do just that.
Stay Safe out there Folks.

An IceStorm is NO JOKE!
UpDate: Next Day.
temp is in the low twenties..
freezing rain and sleet.
it's happening..


It looks like a snow tree, you are so beautiful, you are a big hearted person,

what happen Mr @everittdmickey? nice Pic..

Hey Sir, Stay safe...

No, an ice storm is no joke..especially when it knocks out both branches and power lines.

I still remember the last on in my parts. Suffice to say, I got a good workout.

I find it fascinating to see how you have the four seasons of the year, we only have one, hot. On December we can have some cold cold breeze between the 15th until January the 6th. Thereafter all is hot, hot and hot.

Seriously? You're in Austin too? Just got the message from AISD that schools closed. My daughter was (as you might expect) quite pleased...giddy even.

It does not matter if you have 4 wheel drive, won't help you stop. It doesn't matter if you have chains, will help you stop some. It's ice. ice is not only cold, it is very slippery stuff. And even in a 4 wheel drive truck with chains on all four wheels, the young punk in the tricked out truck is still going to ruin your day. And like the picture shows, lets not forget about falling trees and branches, broken water main gushers. have fun. But it is best to stay in your own yard.

I was talking to my girlfriend about this very thing tonight!! She goes "lets take a look at the weather in Texas for tomorrow"... A few seconds later her jaw dropped at how cold it is getting there! Stay warm!

I wonder how the climate change zealots will explain this?

This big freeze is the exact opposite to what the global warming experts have been warning us about!

Do we need to re-open those filthy coal mines and start burning more coal to save the planet?

Be thankful for global warming.

Imagine how much worse it would be without it!
Stay in, stay warm, stay safe.

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