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RE: The Peace & Power In Self-Knowledge...

I’m unlimited now I know

Don’t fool yourself with the motivational cult dogma, brother.

We do have very tangible limits in this plane we operate in: time, space, gravity, etc.

To think “I can do anything, I have no limits,” is delusional.

This isn’t a popular opinion. But, if we are to discover and exercise our power so as to attain what we’re going after, we can’t keep our head in the sand, and must rather be very aware of the Laws and dynamics of the playing field we’re operating on, so as to have a clear, unbiased opinion of the boundaries we have to work within.

That does not mean those boundaries can’t be stretched and there are not ways to bend reality.

Yet, it doesn’t matter how much we want something and try convince ourselves there are no limits to achieving it, if it is not ultimately intended for us, we are not wired for that path, and no amount of willpower can alter certain limitations inherent in the design of our soul and collective blueprint.

It’s sort of a paradox. We aren’t completely free. But, in accepting to our limitations & boundaries and surrendering to the higher order in which they are structured, we access the freedom to create within them - and perhaps create even entirely new spaces altogether.



Sure there are limitations, every human has at least one limited ability but I’m just being positive minded when I say I’m unlimited. Thanks for elaborating sir 🙌

An electrical current requires both and a positive and negative charge to power anything...* ;-)

Yeah this is very true. 🙌
Positivity and negativity maintains an equilibrium so to analogize the universal truth

Yeah this is very true. 🙌

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