How To Increase Your Sales To Create Wealth

in #wealth6 years ago

One of the main questions or objections I get from people who are trying to create wealth is the classic “but I don’t wanna sell anything”. Well that sucks. You won’t get there without knowing how to sell. The idea of building this magical passive income, or the laptop lifestyle where all you do is travel and magical internet fairies pay you every month is not real. The guys who make money online are some of the best sales people out there. People who make money in real estate are some of the best sales people out there. It is an undeniable truth and there is no escape from it. So, one of the things I do for my clients is teach them how to sell. Today, I want to breakdown the immediate things you must know about sales so that you can generate more income today.

  1. Selling is required for everything! Realize that everything is a sale. It is a sale even if you don’t realize it is. I want you to look around your house right now and take a inventory of everything you own. Rate it on a 1-5 scale. 1 means it is a liability, 2 means you don’t need it right now, 3 means it isn’t good or bad it is a maybe, a 4 is something vital for your survival, and a 5 produces income. Sell everything that is a 3 or lower. Be emotionless. Doesn’t matter who gave it to you, why you bought it, or whatever other rationalization you use to justify owning things that aren’t advancing you financially. Sell them. List them online, call your powerbase, consign them, or whatever you must do. Sell them.

  2. Everything has a commission. When you sell these things, you will make money. That’s a commission. A commission is a reward for doing a good job. When you sell your things, you will do a good job for you and for them. That’s where the commission comes from. Everything in life is a commission. There can be good commissions and bad commissions. If you don’t know how to sell, the commission you will get is no control over your income. If you know how to sell, your commission is having control over your income.

  3. Know that there is a process. You’ve sold something and proven it is real and can happen. Good job! Now I want you to understand that there is a process to make the action easier to repeat and also to go back and take an inventory of to find out where you are lacking. I want to break it down for you real quick. So first is your attitude. The first step is checking your head game and making sure your attitude doesn’t suck right before you enter a deal. Then you have the greeting, which is super short and information based. Next is the statement of intention. This could be part of the greeting but I believe it needs to be isolated so that is isn’t skipped and it means you are going to tell them what your goal is in the sale (to close business). Then you have fact-finding which is finding out what is important to them, what their problems are, and if they are an influencer or decision maker. From there, you can enter the demonstration of your product or service. This should touch on the information you learned during your factfinding. Then you can move into the trial close, the write up, and then the close. If you understand all of those steps, you can predict your sales and gain more certainty and then you won’t say you hate sales .

  4. Become a closer. A closer is someone who finishes. It means that you are able to persuade and sell to get your way and finish. Being a closer starts with the mindset that you are a finisher and that you can close. It really is a skill. It isn’t just a script, it is a state of being. The way you become a closer is to first close yourself. Stop not finishing things, not being sold on yourself, and reserving yourself. Once you’ve accomplished this, it is easier to be this way with other people. Let people know you are a closer. That’s what the statement of intention does in the sales process. It gives you permission to close because they are now aware that is what you’re there to do. When you can close, you will feel certain with your ability to sell, get your way, increase your income, and win at life.

Real wealth is generated from the ability to sell, to create income, to then keep the income, do smart things with it, and multiply it into more money. This is what I teach my clients. It is a law. There isn’t a way around that. My company has partnered with Grant Cardone to teach you how to sell so that you can learn how to sell from the very best. My team will walk you through the program, create a plan with you, help you implement it, and coach you through the process. The target? Millionaire. We create millionaires and turn them into deca-millionaires so that they can eradicate poverty in their lives and own their potential. Click here if you would like to get started!

Own Your Potential,

Jerry Fetta

Grant Cardone Certified Coach

Jerry Fetta helps his clients build wealth so that they can eradicate poverty in their own lives and own their potential.

He believes scarcity and abundance cannot co-exist and that the way to end poverty is to help you build wealth.

You were not created to spend 40+ hours per week serving the 40-year-to-life sentence trading your precious time for money just to live in mediocrity.

However, the truth is that time and money must be exchanged. It just doesn’t need to be you making the exchange.

Jerry helps his clients create wealth that exchanges time and money on their behalf. The only way to do this is to make more money, keep it, and then multiply it.

He has helped clients double their income, save $100,000 tax-free, and secure 8-12% fixed annual returns on their assets.

To get started, go to

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