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RE: The #1 Trait That All Self-Made Millionaires Have

in #wealth5 years ago

I would say "luck" should also be on that list. I have met some really upbeat and intelligent people that aren't millionaires. A couple of them are really good baristas, though! :-)

Ooh... They need to have a vending machine with real meat patties and a glass window, so you can watch 'em sizzle. Maybe have a bun toaster in there, too.

Of course, up here in MN, they might need a "bun toaster" on the outside, too!


lol..sir fotosdenada you always come up with such funny comments! That is true, I think anyone making it big takes risks and luck is a major factor. I didn't even think about that.

I wouldn't be surprised to see vending machines like that in the future, I think it's going to be amazing. They'll have some tiny robots in there assembling them!

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