USA Watchdog, Greg Hunter: Chris Martenson – Rising Oil Price Will Pop this Bubble

in #wealth7 years ago (edited)

What is going to cause this financial bubble to pop? Economic researcher and futurist, Chris Martenson, says, “The price of oil is likely going to be the pin that pricks these bubbles. No central banker is going to do it. They are deathly afraid of these markets they have created. . . . They are afraid of a downturn in the markets, and they won’t willingly go there. What could force that is the price of oil. . . . The higher price of oil is going to really harm some weak players out there. . . . The chain reaction always starts with somebody not being able to pay their debt back.”


They say that figures don't lie, but liars figure. This is exactly what we're seeing in the markets today. The figures are screaming out, "DANGER!!!", but the salespeople are lying to people to get them to enter the perilous situation. Even though we've seen this situation before, people forget about it after 10 years. They don't recognize the same problems rearing up before them. This is why politicians drop out of view after they commit heinous crimes. They know that people forget the evil over time (time heals all wounds). It's disgusting and deadly.

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