We are Proud to Announce our Candidacy to Become a WAX Guild!

in #wax5 years ago

Dear readers,

As avid supporters of blockchain technology and experienced users and contributors to the EOSIO community as a whole, we are proud to announce our candidacy to become a WAX Guild!

Who are we and why do we qualify?

ZenBlocks.io is a blockchain-agnostic entity that runs several subsidiaries with extensive experience in their respective areas of expertise. A high level of our various initiatives is as follows:

• Creators of Fenero.io, global call center infrastructure provider
• Parent of Telos Miami, a top 21 producer and core developer on Telos
• Top 21 producer for a private blockchain based on EOSIO
• Candidate node operators for ChainLink
• Developers of Sqrl multi-chain EOSIO wallet
• Developers of Qubicles decentralized call center staffing solution;
• Parent of EOS Miami, a standby producer and contributor to EOS;

Below is a screenshot of a public mainnet performance for a subsidiary where we serve as top 21 producer, with consistent performance and zero downtime since its mainnet launch:

Screen Shot 2019-07-02 at 12.13.34 PM.png

As a relatively new chain powered by EOSIO, we believe the WAX community deserves highly qualified teams with verifiable experience in the EOSIO blockchain space to serve as elected guilds in the network.

Please see below for some additional information about ZenBlocks.io (based on the WAX Guild Candidacy requirements), which we hope will help the community learn more about us and support our guild candidacy!

Website: https://zenblocks.io

Blog: https://steemit.com/@zenblocks

WAX Guild Name: zenblockswax

Company Headquarters: Miami Beach, FL

Location of Servers: San Francisco, CA

Type of Servers: Cloud-to-Bare Metal

Team Leadership: https://zenblocks.io/#team

Telegram Contact: @qubicles

Testnet Node Name: zenblockswax

Technical Specifications (per node):
Intel Xeon E-class CPUs
2.5 TB SSD disk (RAID 10)
CPU core isolation/affinity for increased performance

Scaling Plan: Dual server configuration to support software or hardware upgrades and maintenance for producing node. Allows us to continue providing reliable service while scaling vertically or horizontally based on the current needs of the WAX blockchain.

Community Benefit: ZenBlocks.io brings real world and hands-on expertise with EOSIO blockchain development, maintenance, and support to the WAX community. If elected, we intend to leverage our experience creating smart contracts, useful tools, wallets, and more to benefit the developers, our peer block producers, and the community as a whole.

Thoughts on Governance: We were fortunate enough to experience governance as it relates to EOSIO software on two different spectrums. First, as both investors and standby producers for EOS Mainnet, we have witnessed the changes in governance from ECAF, the interim EOS Constitution, and the current block producer-generated End User Agreement (EUA). Second, as part of the core development team responsible for launching Telos, we not only helped create the software powering Telos’ governance but also witnessed the application of these features in use within a live and active community. We've seen the pros and cons in both of these governance models and have an in-depth understanding of them.

As a result of these experiences, our general belief is that there is no single governance model that could serve all blockchains. Each chain needs to govern according to the desires of its community. Therefore, we are strong believers and supporters of on-chain governance, guided by the community and driven by smart contracts and look forward to working with the WAX community on the model it thinks will work best for its use case.

On Transparency and Accountability: Our experience being top 21 producers has reinforced our beliefs regarding transparency and accountability, and the importance thereof. As trusted and elected custodians for a core and very important function of a network, it is our duty to be open and transparent with our constituents. It is only through transparency that honesty and accountability can be both obtained and preserved. That’s why we have pledged to openness for any community we are a part of and serve in an elected capacity.

Additionally, it is only through transparency that accountability can be measured. It is our belief that block producers be held accountable for their actions, or inactions where appropriate, while serving in an elected role on the blockchain and in accordance with the desires of voters.

On Security: In this new world that we are collectively creating, the Internet of Value, we must be vigilant in our duty to protect ourselves and those in our community. This is the only path to seeing our vision for a trustless, reliable and secure digital economy thrive. We view security as a core competency, not only in the process of building tools and infrastructure, but in building community – they must be trained to put security first when transitioning to this new way of their digital lives. We are always committed to contributing to foster a stronger and secure network of tools, processes, and people.

On Infrastructure: There are various roles in which members of a network serve, some much more critical than others. As block producers and community members, our view on block production is that of the most important function of any blockchain. Therefore, it must be backed by several guarantees.

First, is a solid team of individuals and/or entities with the technical abilities to build, secure, and service the network. This requires members experienced in software development, network and systems administration, security, project and team management.

Second, is a reliable, secure and redundant infrastructure for the environments responsible for block production. In addition to the standard redundancy requirements for producing nodes, performance monitoring, benchmarking, and network monitoring tools must be some of the bare minimum components that make up a block producer’s infrastructure.

Finally, but certainly not the least, proactive communication should be a core tenet of any team providing producing services to communities. Providing the community with updates for upgrades, maintenance, or potential issues is paramount to creating a transparent and dependable infrastructure delivery team. ZenBlocks.io commits to delivering on these three guarantees to the WAX community if elected.

Conclusion: In this post, we have presented our case for why we believe we have the knowledge and experience to be an elected guild for the WAX community. We also shared information on our company, the leadership team, and infrastructure configuration to boot. Lastly, we offered our thoughts on governance, security, infrastructure and accountability.

We hope we have supplied enough information to help the community make an informed decision and vote when electing their choice for guilds on the WAX blockchain.


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