Photo Fun Contest - Week 30 – “Water” Photography

in #watercontest6 years ago

This is my entry to Photo Fun Contest - Week 30 - "Water" Initiated by @claudiaz. This will be the first time I have entered the Photo Fun Contest, and I am more than happy to jump aboard.

Being that this is my first entry, I have read the rules and understand. The only question that I do have is, can there be more than 1 picture accompanying an entry?

Just recently I took a hike, and took several pictures of a mountain stream where I live. The photos are all of the same stream, and I have included several in this entry. If posting several pictures doesn't follow the guidelines, I apologize in advance. If so, please advise and I will make the necessary corrections in the future. At any rate, here are some photos I took on my hike, that I thought you may enjoy.


IMG_0497 (2).JPG









Hope you enjoyed! thebigsweed


Lovely water photos. Good luck in the contest!

Thanks for the compliment!

Always appreciated! Always humbled!

lovely photos! you may add as many as you like but I can only choose 1 as a finalist! thanks for entering @thebigsweed

Howdy sir bigsweed! great photos here sir, in that top one it looks like the weight of the tree would make it fall down, that's amazing when I see trees doing that. I'm not sure which one I'd choose for the contest!

Thanks for the compliment. That was the question I had, can more than one picture be used per entry. I know when I was looking into this contest I did see one post that included 2 pictures. If only one photo per contest I would probably choose the first one. That tree seems to be defying gravity.

howdy again bigsweed! yes sir, that would be my choice because of that tree and I bet that's the one she chooses, but I guess you might not know unless you win. Did you say what you did before you retired? You're retired right?

Have been retired for about 2 years now. Did many things, but spent the majority of my time as a teacher, working with handicapped children.

To supplement my teacher's salary, I also worked as a carpenter.

In the summer over the two months we had off as teachers, I would make about 50% of what I would make as a teacher for the year.

As my family grew, rather quickly, I could not afford teaching any longer and started building full time.

Owned business, JAB construction, our prices won't knock you out.

Got back into teaching 8 years after getting out, because they started to increase teacher's salary. Worked summers and weekends once back in teaching.

How about yourself?

howdy sir thebigsweed! very interesting, and cool that you got back into teaching after getting out, you must have tremendous patience to be able to teach children!

As for me, I owned a commercial floor maintenance business, well my wife and I did. I was in that industry forever, like 25 years.
Then we started a real estate company and built that up to be very successful but the stress was a killer so we retired from that unfortunately, my wife said it was going to kill her so we didn't have a choice.

We took a leap of faith and moved to Texas because my wife hated the cold weather in Northern Ohio. That was a little over 3 years ago and we've been looking for work since then, doing odd jobs until she finally found a good job as a county jailer, of all things! lol. never dreamed she would be doing that but she loves it, the money is good and the benefits are too.

I'm looking around still while I'm doing steemit. If the price of Steem doesn't come up I'll probably be forced to find a real world job because we have no retirement except SS. We're okay for a little while but we want us both earning.

Owning your own business is taxing. The best thing you could have done is get the hell out of there. Takes a lot of nerve to what you guys did, GOOD FOR YOU! It's funny the job your wife has, I mean with the topic you write so well about. Why we are on that topic
I have been extremely busy of late, and can't wait to catch up on Belle Star's adventures. I left off at, The Bandit Queen Lives It Up After Prison.

Good Luck with everything!

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