Oh deer

in #watercolor7 years ago

Watercolor/ink - Deer

Why do people seek validation from others? Is it insecurities and inability to be honest with ourselves? It is rather silly too to ask for validation from people who then look back at you and see you through their own distorted views, blended with things they recognize within themselves, things that seem familiar or absolutely strange, uncharted territory they will never understand.  

There is no need to defend or justify yourself in case of not being someone’s cup of tea. Convincing how wrong they are is just going to make them bite down to their beliefs even harder. Circumstances change, things happen and people change their minds all the time. Only validation you need is your own. Giving too much importance to people’s opinions may result in you believing in something you are not.  

On less serious note, I really hope to see some deer jokes in comments. ^^

Song of the day: IAMX - Stalker


Why seeking for validation? Well, yes it is insecurities and some other reason. We don't usually seek validation from unpopular people and people that we don't like. We seek it from people that we admire and want to be recognized and liked by them. It certainly feels that our value grows bigger when a strong and charismatic person respects us. I don't know why but this trait in human nature is very strong. Absolutely everyone has that trait at least a little.

When learning not to seek for validation is very liberating though. It feels like more in control and independent. It just requires a bit of work.

Gorgeous work! I love the fact that you have your own style and touch. If I saw that somewhere else, it would take me just a glance to recognize that it was made by you!

As far as validation from others vs yourself goes, some artists take it to an extreme by demanding that others like and support them. I've seen this happen a lot with musicians the most.

Aww Thank you so much @naydenova! Appreciate your kind words. Sometimes I just take all the stuff I've made and put them all over the place and look at them. There is definitely certain signature to them all by now.

Yes. I agree. The ridiculous part of it most of the time it is just pure waste of time and unnecessary suffering. It is very hard to just let go and not care.

Fantastic painting as usual :O!!! You asked for a deer joke (also I don’t have what to say) so here is one: What’s the cheapest meat? Deer balls, they’re under a buck.
May or may not have been googled :P

Thank you @ahmedelakehal! :)

Oh, this one really made me laugh! Your googling skills are superb! Lol

Wow, deery deery me, what a deer deer, great work deer!

Thanks alot deer! Hehe!

..and somehow you always know what I need to read.

Are you sure? What if it is just a bunch of gibberish? Sometimes I think that myself.

Anways! Hugs

Deer god, this is a cool painting. What size is it?
And you're right about validation, it really does not matter what other people say. The first person you need to make happy is yourself, only then can you make other people happy :)

Thank you @emilclaudell! ^^ It is tiny - 10 by 10 cm. I ran out of paper. I think I mentioned it, but today I was at the art store! I got paper and so excited to work on bigger pieces too.

Can't wait to see a bigger one :D

I wonder what made you write about validation from others here...? Did you perhaps think people wouldn't appreciate a water-colour deer and then thought, "well, I like it, so there!" .. ?

And... What do you call a deer with no eyes?
No idea.

What do you call a deer with no eyes that's having sex?


I'm cringing a little bit at that joke but still laughing, @mandelsage.

@m31, interesting thoughts about validation. I agree with what you say about not seeking others' validation but for me, platforms like Steemit definitely help validate me. It's the fundamental essence of social media platforms and why Facebook, Instagram and Twitter were so popular when they came out and continue being so. It gives validation to everyone's thoughts and voice in the form of likes, hearts, comments, upvotes, etc. I'd love for the day where I could confidently say I don't seek validation from other people to convince myself of my own worth.

I'm also curious to know why your brought this up with this post! Beautiful watercolour, as always. I see that salt working its magic.


No. That was not it. I do my art stuff for myself. It brings me joy. I just sometimes have trouble of caring too much of what people think of me and can wast too much time in useless trying to figure out why they think what they think

It is our choice to make if we are to let people ride roughshod over us. It is also our choice to make on how much hold we want people to have over our lives. At the end of the day, it is our life not theirs. Whatever decision we take will affect us directly not them. So we need to take a stance on how much we rely on people's approval.

The most important thing, even though this is a cliche, is to learn to love yourself and listen to your own voice. And when you're bowing to one person you show your ass to those behind you. Some might be fawned of you, but some like big bucks -so oh deer lord don't you mind what others think!

I love deers 💚 they are pure fantastic creatures :)


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