Floating silently

in #watercolor7 years ago

Watercolor/ink - Jellyfish

Some days there are no words. Some days they float around in mixture of deep blue ocean and emptiness of space meeting only Starman sitting in cherry red roadster or giant squid passing by randomly saying hi. They make no sense no matter how hard you try to piece it together with duct tape out of desperation of getting out what you think is hiding there, in the darkness. In due time dummy, in due time.  

Working on these miniature 10 x 10 centimeter watercolor pieces has been extremely fun. Though they are tiny they take a ton of patience and precision to get right or screw everything up. Screwing up watercolor is very easy. The color bleed can either workout nicely or go horribly wrong. I prefer to make transitions from color to color as soft as possible so I have to be quick about mixing the colors. I never know till the paper dries if I deem it worthy of going through second layer of punishment - the dotting. Selecting areas to enhance with little bit of shadow and depth.

10 x 10 centimeter - what is this? They take you an hour to complete? Not really. More like a day of manic search for perfection infused with musical bits and pauses of staring at every single detail. I am learning with every piece.  

Song of the day: Röyksopp, Jamie Irrepressible - You Know I Have To Go 


First, the art - That is beautiful! I actually didn't realise they were so tiny! I understand very well how it must be difficult, having trying full-sized water-colour before and not faring very well ;P

Second - did you watch the Falcon Heavy launch live? ... I swear, I was almost in tears as it lifted off. And the incredible beauty of the two side-burners landing in perfect unison had me out of my seat hopping around, lol.

Third - Have you seen any of my art yet? It's very different from yours, but I believe you would like it. I would link it here but I'm still walking on eggshells a bit when it comes to steemit etiquette.

Lastly, this song! .. You are my new source for adding to my Spotify library. It's incredibly melancholy and enchanting - thank you.

Thank you for your comment @mandelsage! :)

I've done full-sized ones before. Tiny ones just have taught me more about detail and they are extremely fun to work with.

Of course I watched Falcon Heavy launch! ^^ Wouldn't miss it for anything! I was cheering all the way like some do while watching sports. Witnessing making of history and progress of humanity is exciting thing!

Indeed your art is very different. Fractals and more abstract? What do you use to create them?

Röyksopp is great. I've listened to their music forever. :)

thank you very much for your post. very well written!)

It's sooo nice to find someone who is passionate about space and what Elon Musk is doing! <3 ... Making of history indeed... I often feel frustrated that I won't live beyond 2070, more or less. I want to be there 500 years from now... 3000 years... more! ...

Yes, almost everything I do is very abstract. I use two programs mainly (Mandelbulb 3D and JWildFire) with some Photoshop finishing touches.

Hehehe... It is funny how yours and @pharesim's votes on this one comment give me more than what many of my posts get ;P .. Thank you.

God bless your hands and continue to fill you with wisdom and creativity.The key to making a good drawing is to practice and insister until we get out to perfection and you fulfill it perfectly. regards

Thank you for your kind words @verygod! Same to you.

Screwing up watercolor is very easy.

Point well taken. What is a jellyfish to do in this ocean? Your camera picks up the image well for such as small area.

My son @artjohn started water colors and is teaching me. It is a lot harder than I imagined.

Thank you for stopping by @mineopoly! :)

Oh, it just floats without care in this world. I feel jealous of them a little sometimes. I love water and to float. Relaxing every muscle in my body and let go. Let the water carry me.

Yes. My camera was great investment. I got it to improve my content. It is my working tool and I am still learning how to use it properly, but other than that I am very glad I got it.

Your son is very talented ^^

Well spoken reply. I wish I could just float on Steemit. I think that is a good plan. John is 13 but dabbles in art. Thank you for your kind reply.

These colours are so you now that I've seen some of your previous work. :) Very nice! I like the combo of red-violet-blue in this piece.

Lazy days that you describe in your text, oh, I'd love to have one right now. ´:)

Hehe. I just keep reaching for them automatically. Specially deep red/violet/purple tones.

We all need some lazy days. ^^

Those watercolor and ink miniatures series of yours is absolutely gorgeous. I think they would look great all framed and hung up on a wall next to each other. I really love the way you are mixing the fluidity of the watercolors and the clarity of the dotting. Please keep them coming (as long as you have the time and inspiration for them of course)! :)

Thank you @naydenova for taking time to comment! ^^

Aww I actually might do that. Just need to find a place where to get frames for them. Maybe at some point I will gift them to people as well.

I really love doing these, just like my silly hedgehog cartoons.

Oh, your hedgehog cartoons were awesome too! The game was so much fun :)

I'm kinda jelly at your painting skills :D

Aww snap! Thank you. ^^ Trying to improve with every next piece.

Beautiful art

Thank you.

Beautiful Jellyfish.

Thank you so much! I think I have improved my jellyfish skills since the last time I attempted them :)

You are great.. It amazing art 😘. Wish you like my art too... Thanks

I had no idea that they were that small :O Have the other ones been the same size? The fact that it doesn't bleed is amazing. Once again, the colors are awesome, you've also managed to get some really nice shine on this one. The dots on the middle tentacles (Are they called that?) are awesome, but i feel like i've said that before. You've really come far with your water color, it's awesome to observe :)

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