
in #watercolor7 years ago

Watercolor/ink - Busted wing dragonfly

I accidentally busted the wing of my dragonfly. The initial reaction from the perfectionist within me was to immediately stop and start the whole thing over. Disappointment for lack of attentiveness and precision that lead to misstep washed over. There was nothing to be done. No fix that could make the damage go away. I was mad, but decided to keep going anyway for it was going to be finished not perfect. Nothing really is, despite our vision of it and striving for it.

Over time I’ve learned the damaging side of perfectionism and to tune it down at least a fraction so it does not impair my path to progress. It has made me drop things, not giving them a second chance many times. Failure to embrace the imperfections and flaws is actually worse. I consider that the true failure, not the busted wings.

Maybe there is hidden story or a poem waiting to be written about the brave dragonfly and it’s busted wing?

Song of the day: Cymande - Dove

The lesson of toning down the perfectionism is one I've been through too... And this whole post, with the dragonfly, brings back to me a memory of my father and a whole different lesson - about disappointment.

When I was about 9 or 10 years old, my father said to me once, while we were swimming in our backyard pool, that he would give me R50 (50ZAR) if I could catch one of the dragonflies that were flitting about nimbly around the pool.

So of course, I set about it! ... For days, I would stalk the dragonflies, trying to catch one without hurting it, but it seemed futile... They're quick little buggers! =)

But one day, I did it! .. It was glorious. I showed my father and reminded him of his promise, but for some reason, he did not give me the R50. Needless to say, I was devastated. That was the first big lesson in my life, I think, for dealing with disappointment.

I like to think that he had a good reason for not giving it to me. But the greater lesson, I think, was worth much more than R50.

Thank you for sharing your memory Jody! :)

I can imagine that it was a bummer for you, but you know, maybe your father also learned a lesson that if you are set out to do something, you deliver, hehe.

Funny. When I think of dragonflies I also go back to some of my childhood memories. My grandpa had a pond near the house that we kids were not supposed to visit on our own for safety purposes. We did anyway. Those little buggers always hanged around there and I loved watching them.

The moral of the story is that the flawed, busted up wing grew up and matured into some lovely upvotes :) Because the rest of us aren't hyper-concerned with the details, but that you actually post what you've created, flawed or not...

I've let perfectionism in art and animation cripple me in years past, it was a shame!

Absolutely. I remind myself that too. Sometimes those details go unnoticed anyway.

That lesson also is part of the journey for all though :)

@m31 I just love this so much - for so many different reasons. 1) Your choice of colors 2) Your story behind the dragonfly 3) The beauty of the finished piece and 4) That amazing 'imperfection' that gives your dragonfly realness and personality (he is more special with his broken wing) and the courage it took you to follow through and bring him to life. I sure do think there's a story and poem waiting to be told.
I've been trying to work up the courage to start my first watercolor so your post reminds me (being a perfectionist myself) that I should just follow through and see what life emerges.
I love your brave little dragonfly! :)

Aww Thank you so much for your lovely comment @youhavewings! Made me smile.

Somehow it seems more special and authentic with it's wing indeed. So it was meant to be :)

Love, love watercolor! I discovered my love for it only last summer. The key is appropriate, good quality paper meant for watercolor and just some fun experimentation.

Thank you! Hope to see you around on the chain! ^^

I think I am ready to go for watercolor! Thank you! I was going to paint a few for my firefly story - yet to be told ;)

I hope to see you around on the chain, too! Have a beautiful day.

I love this. Beautiful art work and a very big welldone for this art work.👍👍👍👍👍

Thank you for sharing this with us

Kid... you need to bring your reputations up. :(

Que hermoso, de verdad me has impresionado, y bueno ya la historia està escrita y tu misma la has hecho, solo debes extenderla a travès del tiempo para ir mejorando mas, realmente me has dejado impactado con esto amiga. Saludos y un gran abrazo. Exitos y bendiciones.

Nothing in life or nature is truly perfect, and most often it is the imperfections that lets something stand out. I personally find the painting beautiful. Do you hang your paintings? Or will you put them all together in one big collage, since they're all pretty small? :)

Beautiful. I totally have a fetish for dragonflies. I drew a paste up for our bus once but it washed away sadly. I'm about to do another dragonfly mosaic on a garden path which I'm excited about as I did one years and years ago and its wings were of seaglass. I like the busted bit. We all have busted bits - imperfection is beauty.

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