What is Structured Water?

in #water8 years ago

Structured Water is created by the natural action of water in nature…

The natural action of water tumbling over rocks, down waterfalls, flowing through twists and turns as it actively descends a mountain actually structures water. Water molecules are free to move and “dance with nature” in an energetically alive, fresh and vibrant manner. Through this process, the molecular structure of water is changed to reflect less surface tension, neutralized toxins, cleared memory and balance on a particle level.

Water as a primary element is connected to everything. There isn’t anything on Earth that doesn’t use water as a part of its process in creating life. Therefore, as water is the connector to all living things it’s important to return water to its original form by allowing it to restructure. Through Nature’s design Structured Water entrains –or creates a flow- as it connects with life. The result of Structured Water is water with more energy while offering increased hydration for people, animals, plants and things.


Pseudo-scientific B.S. of huge proportions. Can you produce one shred of reliable evidence that structured water is an actual thing?

Thank you for providing the video. It demonstrably illustrates that the whole idea is full court pseudo-science.
Yes, we can wave an antenna of some unknown device near water to determine it's molecular structure. Uncanny!

There's also a link to an article as well, below the video. If you google it you can find out a lot as well.

A magazine article which is 12 years old is one thing. Cool it shows how water molecules can be arranged into nano structures. Neat.

Now you've taken that and made the leap that some PVC device can arrange water in such a way. You made a further leap that an unknown device can "read" such arrangements at a distance without even describing a mechanism by which that could occur. Then there's the further leap that if the water is in such an arrangement it would have health benefits.

It's leap after leap after leap. It's not science. It's probably not true and if it's been in the "research" for 13 or more years where are the studies published in peer reviewed journals linking all of this to health benefits?

If anything you posted was compelling evidence to you you simply don't know how to science.

I don't know how to science... Well said:)

The article you referenced even calls out the fraudulent claims that abound:

"Charlatans have seized on the principles. Stephen Lower, a retired chemistry professor at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, maintains a Web site to catalog claims such as seven-sided water containing "mono-atomic minerals" to "clarify" the nervous system, structured water conducting "healing alpha-theta frequencies," and other quackery.6 Such claims distort what is a far more subtle and theoretical pursuit."

Yes, the article says "Charlatans" are making fraudulent claims about a very preliminary theoretical scientific finding calling it "quackery". You've made my case for me.

I still stand that a magazine article doesn't mean that much. Anyway if these structures occur in nature and are used by our bodies, guess what? Our cells will take unordered masses of water molecules and produce the structures themselves. Brilliant!

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