Watch out for plastic in your bottled water it happened to me

in #water6 years ago

Feeling rather disturbed right now, due to drinking some water. My husband says I must do a post on this and I agree.

This photo is of the bottle I drank out of last night.

I recently read that plastic can be found in leading brands of water. I can verify this with at least one bottle, through first- hand knowledge.

Here’s my story, last night I drank some bottled water and then thought maybe my tooth chipped off. When to my amazement I spit out a tiny, tiny piece of plastic the same consistency as the bottle. I know it was the same material/plastic as the bottle.

Today googled and found this article that say it has been discovered that over 90 percent of the bottled water contains plastic. I don’t know about you but that is scary.

They went on to say: “Smaller pieces measuring 20 microns, or .02 millimeters, can enter the bloodstream before becoming lodged in the kidney and liver, Orb said, citing UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization.”

It is time for me to save for a water distiller to make sure I don’t swallow any more plastic.

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That's crazy!
My brother in law, who is in Spain, that he found plastic in all-purpose flour ; Thanks for this post. I will be careful about my bottled water. I will also try to avoid using it.

crazy huh, Evian is very expensive for bottled water...I was shocked now paranoid. LOL
In his flour? now, what is next?

Great post my dear friend.
Plastic is very harmful for our health.
Generally, people know about the harmful effects of plastic which mixed with our bloodstream.
You gave the details of the harmful effects of plastic.
I am also with you.🤗💙

I really appreciate your work.

Thanks @rebeccabe for sharing this post.

Upvoted + resteemed your post.

This is serious,am just seeing this now, how does one becomes careful with something as little as water, hmmm

scary...not sure what to do about all this. I am thinking a water distiller, but need to save some money to buy one.

I mostly go for tap water these days and only ever buy bottled as a last resort. I used to have a purification jug but I’m not sure what difference that actually made.

I guess it depends where you live, our tap water has harmful things in it. The EPA calls them contaminants. You have to go with what feels right for you.

Is that in the US?

yes... they tell us it is safe, but also tell us the water contains contaminants. Full disclosure you know.

That's terrible, can't imagine how many you have swallow...

It is what it is, lol. You have to laugh because we pay top dollar for name brand water and those are the culprits. One more step closer to getting a distiller.

Over here, if branded they will have customer service where you can log a complaint for them to take action, it's better for us.

So much plastic in our kitchens! How much are we ingesting each day. Scary to think about.

I know that is another thing. It is strange to think of how much plastic is in our lives.

Eating plastic injurious to health.We have to be aware.

Very sad.I went after the thought.What should we do?

one of the things I thought of to do is buy a distiller.

My wife drinks from bottled water exclusively. Tap water gives her infections, always. I keep threatening to buy a water distiller, but I'm not sure if she will really switch to it. Maybe this article and link will convince her.

I really want a distiller.

Filtered water is great, we live by it and we are not glowing yet. Install it and bottle it for her so she is use to the habit.

This is a good idea too, I think a distiller is good to have in case of emergencies too when local water is contaminated.

Going to do it for sure!

Yes it's disgusting and your husbands right, people should know. I did an article a little while back on plastic in our oceans and how a lot of the seafood we consume has micro bits of plastic inside them.
Our world is in a plastic war and as consumers we dont realize. Even bottled water is it BPA free?

Great and disturbing article.

We need to do more research, I don't know what I will do without bottled water. There has to be a list out there somewhere.

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