
Maybe, I’ve been looking for proof of the supposed spin & curve for quite awhile. Haven’t found any yet

What about the lunar eclipse, with the shadow of the earth upon the moon, and equally what about the floating "curved spinning balls" which can be verified with a direct observation from ANY store-bought telescope, or the logical proof that such a conspiracy would require the largest co-operation between nations and across millennia, without ANY discernable benefit for the co-conspirators?

Have you tried to examine the size of the "spinning curved ball" and exactly what altitude the curvature would be unmistakably obvious, with ANY number of 3D modeling programs by creating a sphere with enough faces to form a semblance of curve (not angular) and positioning a feature of off the surface that you can position a camera on top to "see" what the curve would look like from that altitude?

I'll post some quick renders to demonstrate.

Thanks for your response,

The lunar eclipse is on my list of things I need to examine, seems to be used by both sides of the argument a lot.

As far as the scope is concerned, I’ve spent an equal amount of time examining my own jaded psychology. You need to ask yourself about the truth & representation of the death of jfk, the moon trips, the twin towers & numerous other events. If you believe the main media story on those, probably not gonna get anywhere with a flat earth. However if you see problems with all of those things why would you trust other giant things requiring a leap of faith, that in my view contradict physical experience.

Also the unheard of peace regarding the Antarctica treaty is strange. They also get a lot of important traffic there.

There are alternate explanations for planets & retrograde motions that make more logical sense to me. I’ll find some links for that & a lunar eclipse. Thy are all theoretical models

Would love to see any good 3D modeling

Unfortunately, there are no 3D model representations that posit a flat earth with a lunar eclipse without things such as an INSANELY HUGE, yet invisible object that despite being invisible, creates the shadow/eclipse of the moon.

To argue that a conspiracy that spans millennia and has absolutely not one discernable objective for the perpetrators of the conspiracy, let alone advantage and to relate it to other conspiracies that both have numerous motives and plenty of evidence from whistleblowers while the enormity of the flat earth conspiracy has no such thing and we are to believe it's been much more successful than these lesser and more regionally limited conspiracies is to fly in the face of all that is reasonable and logical, especially considering the numerous collaborations that would be required in countless fields, the enormity of which would require almost every single professional in the world to be in on it.

To put it even more plainly, the fact that you can observe the spinning globe A: the moon, and the other spinning globe B: the sun with any store-bought telescope and filters and you can predict with utmost precision things such as solar eclipses and lunar eclipses as have countless civilizations, all based on a heliocentric model, would mean that the conspiracy is so grand that forces out there in the universe are literally toying with our perceptions for absolutely no discernable reason IN tandem with an insurmountable conspiracy that spans countless cultures and millenia amidst our own people, for there is no other explanation for those things.

I do not assume that all of the history that has been taught to me is accurate. Therefore I can not assume that I know exactly what has been known for millenia. Judging by the history I’ve been alive for, things are constantly remixed by the authors.

I also can’t assume I know all possible reasons others have for their actions. Many more possibilities exist than any one mans imagination in my opinion.

Spiritual deception is very common from what I’ve seen, televangelists come to mind, psychics, tarot cards, palm reading, pedophile churches.

But the basic physics that we experience are a better argument than vague broad topics.

Does the spin of the earth affect airplanes?

Tell me, if you're inside of a car traveling 60 mph and you throw a ball in the air inside the car, what happens? Does the motion of the car affect the ball? Equally, when I posted the link and you ignored it, the spin of the earth, if it was 1 mph or 50000000000 mph, will affect the planes, except that not in the way you think "basic" physics work and you think it affects them.

Also, instead of "broad topics" that are not helped at all by a flat earth or a cube earth, or a earth dome under the ocean on a flat plane sitting on infinitely tall pillars or floating on the back of a tortoise, I content that there is absolutely not one instance that you can detail where the perpetrators of such a large conspiracy which despite the lack of even ONE individual coming out to detail anything about it (unlike almost every other conspiracy where the perpetrators are known and their motives obvious and whistleblowers have come forward) could be advantaged by this "secret" knowledge. Read that again, not one instance, it is so irrelevant that the only relevance of this conspiracy is actually in the numerous professions that RELY on their work and life on a precise, utmost precise, model of our world, which you believe they all work in tandem to keep this secret so secret that it befuddles anyone with a modicum of common sense, something that you obviously consider almost faux pas, yet you ask things that defy common sense like "will the spin of the earth affect airplanes". I provided an experiment that demonstrates the spin of the earth by its effect on light and a link to common sense explanation that didn't stop you from ignoring it outright and asking the same redundant question.

Stick to logic, no need to make assertions about me.

I decide what is necessary and what isn't, and despite what you obviously didn't think it necessary to address, I want to know why you ignored the link that detailed the answer to your question or the analogy I offered for the car and the ball.

You assert that the conspiracy can help all these different causes but you didn't offer one simple detail on why and how and expect your vacuous assertions to stand by themselves, is that because you have a disdain for common sense, or is it because you'd assert a large insurmountable conspiracy and speak about non-existent or outright bogus theoretical models that even a child would deduce to be utterly flawed as if they hold any credence and offered absolutely no source to validate such credence yet want to make assertions to their credence in the same way you make assertions as to the purpose of such a grand, no, giant conspiracy?

Looking at the sky to measure the Earth is irrelevant: EVERYTHING in modern astronomy about stars are assumptions. The facts are that all large bodies of water are level, the Earth has no measurable curvature and it does not accelerate.

Giant theoretical models that get bigger & longer & farther away all the time, yet are said to be known facts 👍

Could the earth be flat after all?

I'm from the arctic Norway, we have midnight sun and the polar star is almost directly above our heads. Now I've moved a bit south and there is no midnight sun and the polar star is clearly on the north of the sky. Such a simple observation is very trivially explained with the round earth theory, and very hard to explain with a flat earth theory.

Much easier to explain on a ball, if the sun is 93,000,000 miles away, if it’s a much closer sun, as it appears to me, a plane explains just fine.

Why doesn’t the North Star ever move if we are moving 67,000mph around a giant fireball moving 483,000mph, in a galaxy moving 1,300,000 mph. Seems highly improbable

Danged ol math 😊

Turns out, rotating spherical geometry is a great part of math! Dang reality is the problem

The Polar Star does move indeed.

How much, & any good Proof?

You know, the absolute speed of movement is irrelevant. With greater speed, the greater orbital radius and also the greater orbital period. The sun takes 250 million years to travel around the galaxy. If the polar star would be standing still while we were moving, it would take some 700k years for the star to move a single degree on the sky. Since the polar star is moving at roughly the same speed and in roughly the same direction, it takes a lot more. Hence of course it's impossible for a mere mortal like me to observe this movement. Perhaps the scientists can measure it, I don't know, I'm not an astronomer.

However, due to the precession of the earths rotational axis, the polar star does move around with a period of 22000 years. The current polar star has not always been used as the north reference for navigators. Of course this is also outside the scope of what I can directly observe, though Wikipedia covers it pretty well.

This is a good answer, but I’m curious to look up the history of the recorded distance estimates.

Moving north & moving slower rotationally is a giant problem. As are rivers on a spinning ball & airplanes..... so many contradictions with a curved spinning ball & reality

As I understand it (I'm no hydrologist mind you) hydrodynamic principles change with huge volume of water. Maybe that could account for different effects of movement?

Sure, but you’d be spinning 1000mph at the equator & significantly slower 1/2 way to the pole. Water behaves universally in my physical life experience. Why does the spin of the earth not affect flight times in any direction? There are many more examples of things that I can model perfectly on a big sea level plane, but need crazy theoretical terms that can’t be modeled to make work on a ball.

It is the most interesting subject I’ve ever studied, & by far the most taboo. If you start trying to have the conversation, you will see some very passionate responses backed by very little logic & giant leaps of programmed faith. Most interesting

I lived in a town in Ecuador for about ten months that had the highest concentration of weirdos of anywhere I've ever been. (I say weirdos with the greatest fondness)

There were at least 100 flat earthers there and most were quite vocal. I cannot discount anything and like you I find the subject fascinating.

The worst case scenario is everyone talks about the physics we experience everyday & science! What’s so wrong with that? Why so many pop culture references against it? Why has there never in the history of tv or movies been a flat earth themed environment? Fun questions to ask


I actually spent ten minutes of my life watching this now. That's ten minutes I'll never get back.

The question in the video is ... a plane is travelling from the equator, across the north pole and down on the other side of the planet during 24 hours. In the beginning of the trip, the plane will move with the spin of the planet and have much more speed than what it has over the north pole. What is causing the plane to slow down, and what is causing it to speed up again when going down on the other side? Also, what causes the plane to keep the curvature of the earth, and not fly out into space? Is the pilot constantly actively steering the plane down to follow the curvature and to the left to follow with the earths rotation?

The obvious answers are:

  • the plane is moving relatively to the atmosphere, and the atmosphere is following the earths rotation (due to friction), so it's the atmosphere that is "breaking" and "speeding" the airplane.
  • Gravity and atmosphere may seem like the two obvious answers to why the plane will follow the curvature and not fly out into space.

However, the questions "does the pilot actively need to steer to the left and down" seems outright silly from a practical point of view. A blindfolded person walking, steering a boat or (god forbid!) steering an airplane will not be able to steer straight for long, probably it won't take more than some few minutes before the person has done a 360 degree turn. A person or an autopilot navigating a plane or a ship has to constantly counter winds, waves, turbulence and currents - even the rotational direction of the propellor. A 360 degree turn during 24 hours? That's really a negligible adjustment. Same goes with the height and pitch of the airplane, it has to be trimmed and adjusted all the time. A 180 degrees change in pitch during 24 hours is also quite negligible.

"I've been playing pretty much flight simulators" - that's about the funniest "argument by authority" I've seen. :-)

The lack of difference in effect traveling in each direction & at different speeds along the variably rotating globe make it unbelievable to my logic & would require a huge leap of faith on my part to believe it. There are obvious standard answers to these questions, but they are unbelievable to my logic when I actually think about the supposed mega forces involved vs how everything actually calmly & universally works everywhere I’ve been on earth.

I like the video below more than the previous, if you want to see some autocad trig

The lack of difference in effect traveling in each direction & at different speeds along the variably rotating globe make it unbelievable to my logic & would require a huge leap of faith on my part to believe it.

When I was younger it felt like adults didn't grow older. I simply wasn't able to see it; the faces of my mother and my grandparents was after all the same every day, thus it was hard to accept that they hadn't always been like that, and that they eventually would grow older.

The same can be said about the effects of the spinning earth, they are there, but they are too small to be felt - and as said also quite negligible compared to the other forces acting on the airplane. If the earth would have been spinning very fast, then yes - the effect would have been more pronounced, but the earth is not spinning very fast. Yes, the rotation speed of the airplane is big compared to the speed of the airplane, but that doesn't count, it's outside the reference frame. The airspeed - the airplanes speed through the atmosphere - is constant.

Your weight is actually less at the equator than at the pole - the centifugal forces at the equator is 0.03 m/s^2 - not much compared to the gravity at 9.8 m/s^2. Due to the centrifugal forces the earth is also not completely spheric, but a bit squeezed out around equator. This makes a person on equator further away from the center of mass, which again causes the gravity to be less pronounced. This effect is slightly bigger than the centrifugal force. Source

I made a very similar analogy about how heavy drinking affects people recently. From day to day they feel fine compared to the last day, but they can’t accurately compare to a year or five ago.

I actually watched a proof video of that equator centrifugal math just yesterday 😆

The mathematic models & explanations work as models, but seem far removed from my experience. These are truly incredible speeds the earth is supposedly moving at & incredible rate change going north & south but no measurable physical afffect on any part of the earth nor is there any consistent measurable affect on travel despite these huge supposed physical forces.

We have highly developed & accurate senses to detect motion & balance to protect ourselves. We perceive much smaller rate changes in every other possible example. Yet the earth spins so fast it causes a bulge, but we can’t measure it on the ground or see water affected any differently near the equator.

Most interesting

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