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RE: Off-The-Grid Water Trend: New Raw Water Is Flying Off The Shelves

in #water7 years ago

It's so confusing to me. On the one hand, it's easy to laugh at people for being foolish enough to waste their money on such a questionable product. Yet on the other hand it's such a crazy world, where we cannot trust what anyone says, that I completely understand people desperately running to pay extreme amounts to get a little bit of something as widely available as water.

So many of us feel comfortable writing others off as "stupid" when in fact, we should be angry at the individuals participating in these construed situations that are driving people to this kind of madness. This isn't the result of people being stupid - this is the result of decades of lies piled upon lies & distractions. All designed to protect vaunted profit engines, positions of power & the wanton gluttony that requires we all be driven mad in order for them to continue getting away with it.

I mean after all, do you know how long you can go without water? 3 days & still be almost functioning. Of course people are going to get nervous when there's mass amounts of chatter suggesting to us all that our public water is poison.

Maybe some day we'll all place the blame where it really belongs instead of beating up and teasing the victims, our fellow humans.


" this is the result of decades of lies piled upon lies & distractions." - Following you for that. Tired of seeing the victims hated...

Many municipal water supplies are poisoned. They are flouridated, which is undeniably a neurotoxin. It's not just that people have been lied to, they have been deliberately poisoned - and by those organizations they were told to trust, like the EPA, the FDA, ADA, and AMA. Wherever their trust was supposed to be safely deposited, they have discovered that instead they were betrayed, and poisoned.

Every municipal water supply is chorinated, also a toxin.

How can city folks get water that isn't chlorinated? How can they get water they can trust, because it's just plain water, as it comes out of the damn ground?

Stuff that ain't poison is worth whatever it takes to get it, and when you can't trust any of the agencies that claim they are trustworthy, well, Live Water is what you want. At any price.

I was raised on it. I know it has flaws, and it sure as hell should go through both filtering and testing.

But, it doesn't need chlorine or flouride, and folks that haven't worked as a scientist can't know much more than that.

This does give me a business idea though. I live where there is abundant artesian water that would exceed any standard for potability that exists. I collect it for free already.