Do you want to drink water before exercise? Vlog no#3 Research topics

in #water7 years ago


1, after playing the ball do not immediately drink water due to spring temperatures perennial high, we play football, playing basketball and other sports in the process must pay attention to a reasonable add water. However, do not think how to drink when the water on how to drink water, otherwise it will make your body too much.

For example, there is a team every week to play soccer, before the game, the captain to give the team to buy three boxes of 36 bottles of mineral water for a dozen teammates to drink. Usually the case is kicked the first half of the game after 45 minutes, each player in the intermission at least one or two bottles of mineral water to drink. What is more, holding a frozen mineral water to drink a happy. For this "booze", experts believe that unscientific and detrimental to health. He said: "After the strenuous exercise of the larger body consumption, the body part of the function at a relatively low level, then if a lot of drinking water, is bound to cause excessive burden of the heart. The correct approach should be drunk after a small amount of water to drink After a period of time, and then increase the amount of drinking water, should not drink raw water, cold water.Experts suggest that playing football or playing basketball 2 hours before drinking about 500 ml of boiled water, this is because the exercise before adding water can improve the body's heat regulation, Reduce the heart rate of exercise in advance 2 hours before the water can give enough time to metabolic kidneys, the body fluid balance and osmotic pressure to adjust to the best condition, there is enough time to allow excess water from the body.Out the rest, the players should drink Light salt water, because the light salt water can replenish the loss of ions in time to prevent the emergence of discomfort such as sodium and other symptoms, and the water temperature control in 15 degrees Celsius to 22 degrees Celsius. Sports a lot of sweating. "Must be small mouth to drink, Happy to drink. "

2, running an hour before drinking a small amount of water
experts Weapon, running before replenishment is critical. Many people often ignore hydration before running even a mistaken view, before running water can cause stomach cramps. In fact, should run an hour before drinking a small amount of water. when you feel thirsty, the body has lost about 3% of body weight sweat, so feel thirsty before rehydration, it is necessary to add the amount of fluid loss to 48 hours.
running after the end The amount of water should not be too concentrated, a large number of binge can only solve the temporary thirst, but increased urination and sweating, and further loss of the body of the electrolyte, but also increased the burden of heart and kidney at this time the water is still a small amount Drink, and appropriate salt.

3, after the exercise will be a break warm water bath. Many people go to the bath immediately after exercise to think that this can both decontaminize and eliminate fatigue. so that this practice is not scientific, in the human movement, the flow of muscle blood increased. After stopping the exercise, this situation will continue for some time, if this time immediately hot bath, it will make the blood is not enough to supply other important organs, such as heart and brain insufficiency, people will feel dizzy, nausea, body Weakness, serious also induced other diseases. Experts say that after the exercise immediately cold water bath more harm. "The right way is to rest after exercise for a while to pulse back to close to the normal number prevail and then take a bath, it is best to wash the warm bath.

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