The Return of the X-Rated Swatch and what it means to me.

in #watches7 years ago (edited)

The X-Rated Swatch released in 1987 has got to be one of if not the single most successful watch the brand ever released, but why?....the reason is short and sweet. "Straight Edge" Straight Edge broke out into the underground punk scene in 1981 via a song by Minor Threat which shares it title. Now some of you are probably asking what is Straight Edge and what does a simple watch that bares nothing but a black X on the watch face have to do with it? To provide some basic context as to what Straight Edge is we'll go straight to the lyrics of the song that made it famous and we'll get to the significance of the X here in a bit.

"Straight Edge" by Minor Threat
"I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and fuck my head
Hang out with the living dead
Snort white shit up my nose
Pass out at the shows
I don't even think about speed
That's something I just don't need

I've got the straight edge

I'm a person just like you
But I've got better things to do
Than sit around and smoke dope
Cause I know I can cope
Laugh at the thought of eating ludes
Laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
Always gonna keep in touch
Never want to use a crutch

I've got the straight edge
I've got the straight edge
I've got the straight edge
I've got the straight edge"

In short Straight Edge is about going against the grain of what is typical to society by refusing to engage in the use of mind altering substances including Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco many (including myself) have also adapted it's meaning to include the decision to abstain from promiscuous sexual activity outside of a committed relationship.

"I don't smoke
I don't drink
I don't fuck
At least I can fucking think"
"Out Of Step" by Minor Threat

So what does a watch with a black X on it have to do with all of this?

When Straight Edge begin to grow in popularity it's symbol was simple...A Black X drawn on the back of the hands of straight edgers with a sharpie. The significance being that upon entrance of a club, music venue ect the hands of minors were marked an X to let bartenders as well as of age patrons know that they are underage and therefore cannot drink. Straight Edge kids would mark their hands to in a sense make it impossible for them to drink at shows as well as show pride for their decision to not give into society's norms.

So when Swatch Released the X-Rated Swatch 6 years later it quickly began a symbol of the Straight Edge lifestyle quickly adopted and wore by members of Straight Edge bands and those that claimed the lifestyle alike.

Ned Russin (Title Fight/Disengage) Sporting his X-Rated Swatch During a Disengage Gig (Shot By Angela Owens)

When the watch was eventually discontinued and as they grew more and more rare several knock offs were made but nothing could hold up to both the historical value or quality of owning an original. But to do so wasn't easy with the watch currently grossing anywhere from $489.99-$2,250.00 on Ebay Straight Edge kids would have to pay quite a pretty penny to own their very own little piece of hardcore history but thanks to some good news released by Swatch soon it might not have to be that way.

The famous X Faced Watch is going to be made available sometime this year and many of us straight edge kids are keeping close eyes on Swatch's website to see what the price tag is going to look like...but I think most of us can rest in confidence that it will be well under $2k or even $400. The thought of owning one of these watches is pretty great BUT what does that mean for the watch's historical value? If we're now going to be able to own the watch for a reduced price and purchase it straight from a major watch brand's website doesn't that take away from the value of owning an original or purchasing one from someone in the hardcore community? You're right voice inside my head! But all the same that's the price you have to pay to own something that was once rare for a fraction of the with that being said I will encourage those of you interested in owning one of these watches who are more financially stable to buy one now, don't wait for the re release and reach out to someone selling one online. At the end of the day you can't put a value on history and if you talk to the owner most of the swatches being resold have history attached to them. Imagine owning a watch worn by the vocalist of one of one of your all time favorite bands passed down through time to members of other bands, think about the basements, bars, vfw halls and sweaty wrists it might have came across in it's day....ahhhh sweaty wrists, so hey there guys, sorry...I ummm got distracted! Anyways there you have it! Poor people like myself will soon have the opportunity to own a watch modeled 100% of the original worn by some of our straight edge idols back in the good ol' days BUT once again...if you want something historical you might have to pay more and I would encourage doing so while you can rest assured someone isn't selling a new cheaper model that they slammed on the ground a few times to make look "worn" cause let's be honest....someone's going to try that shit and someone's going to fall for it.


Also, try keeping some of your tags more generic to reach a wider audience. I would've traded xratedswatch for something like music. On the bright side, you are the first person to have used the straightedge tag which means if more hardcore kids started jumping on board, your stuff would be the first post they see.

Your main tag "watches" is really good. It seems to have some traffic.

Try writing reviews for a bunch of different genres and pioneer new ones.

This is a long term game. At least that's the one I'm trying to play.

I was thinking about changing some of the other tags to see if that generates more traffic. haha

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