in #wars7 years ago

We are in the era of the globalization of inequality, social injustice, exclusion. The anti-democracy has been imposed on the world through the practice of militarism, on the pretense of making eternal the world of inequality and privilege for the imperialist minority and not another, the true meaning of invasions or wars programmed from the centers of power in the countries most developed.   

Never before, as now, humanity and the planet have been more threatened. Today, it is also clear that capitalism has been unable to resolve with a sense of future large problems of the full coexistence of human beings in harmony with nature.   

The plague of hunger extends all over the world, poverty reduces the chance of life to more than half of the world's population and a contingent of hundreds of million have been placed on the edge of destitution. There are many peoples and Nations excluded from living and being.   

Ecosystems have accumulated levels of impressive deterioration and destruction, which call into question the existence of life for future generations.   

But there are encouraging signs. From another shore, peoples and Nations continues in the construction of a better world, encourage new paths in a March towards the construction of other realities of life and democracy that will allow the world to access a full of humanism globalization.   

The awareness of peoples and Nations, to found a new social paradigm, amounts to oppose imperialist wars and merges with the resistance of the people to leave are to colonize.


The dream of a planetary democracy is reborn with the strength of people who wake up to shake off neo-liberal imperialist violence. A renewed and creative socialism once again placed on the path of humanity to save it from the catastrophe that threatens it. Hard years of struggle and resistance have made to shine very high dignity of the Cuban people.   

We are witnessing a new situation in Latin America. Peoples once more have been moving towards the conquest of their future and are on the path of the second independence. In Bolivia, with the leadership of Evo Morales, the large majorities advance people's democracy building and designing a new social economic model that favours the national developments and the well-being of the people, unleashing ties of dependence and imperialist domination.   

In Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, have been apparent the desires of large swaths of the population change. The people of Ecuador has made in recent years, several uprisings of transcendence and nationwide, reaching lower power to three Presidents and establishing a Popular Government Board for a short time. In the next electoral process in Peru, Mexico and Nicaragua native oligarchies and the United States, are determined to impose their candidates, while the longing for freedom, change and sovereignty of broad social sectors, are mobilized with great expectations. There are moments of political instability, social situations of great conflict and crisis of Government that the Venezuelan people live at present.   

The neo-liberal model, the despoliation of the trans-nationals and purposes of recolonization of the United States on Latin America, did crisis in several countries in the region, generating colossal social explosions and a feeling of change in major sectors of their peoples, triggering this new moments and realities in its relations with American imperialism.   

The United States are required to respect the paths of hope, democracy and liberation which, once more, the peoples of the continent have been launched in a sovereign manner. If not, people will continue to be in the legitimate right to defend the course of its history.


looks to me like Latin America has been pretty much screwed up or a long time.
long before globalization was a buzz word.

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