Painting Miniatures: LIZARDMEN

in #warhammer6 years ago

Ever since I was a kid I was fascinated with dinosaurs. Used to have every single encyclopedia out there translated in Bulgarian. Even had my own text book where I used to rewrite all the information and copy the pictures from the books I had. So when I got into this miniatures hobby I have no idea why I didn't start with the Lizardmen. They have tons of big dinosaur models and are all in all really fun to paint. I bought quite a lot of models from ebay some time ago and I started painting some then. Everything's been packed in boxes for ages now. Finally decided to take some out and take some photos. Was surprised that I've painted 15-20 models. 


A bit about the Lizardmen in the Warhammer world

Warhammer has such an interesting lore to it. Every race has it's own story and since the game's been out for decades there is so much to it. The Lizardmen, also known as the Cold Ones, are one of the most ancient species in that world, savage civilisation that ruled long before the rise of Elves, Dwarfs or Men. A long time ago the Lizardmen dominated this world. The leaders of the Lizardmen are called Slann - they look like oversized frogs (by that I mean bigger than humans) and are extremely powerful wizards. They are said to be the Children of the Gods. Long before any other race was present to the world, the land was ruled by titanic monsters.  Into this brutal age came a mysterious race of god-like beings that plied the heavens in silvered ships. These strangers, known as the Old Ones, came from beyond the stars where they ruled an empire that spanned not just the cosmos, but time itself. Their technology was advanced beyond imagination — to them, astrology and astronomy, science and magic were all one and the same. They created the Slann-Priest-Mages to be their servants and thus how the spawning of lizardmen began. All was not well in the world and disasters started to happen. The warp gates that the Old Ones used to travel through realms collapsed and with them destroyed, the Old Ones disappeared. With time and wars without the Old Ones, the Lizardmen lost their supreme power over the world.


A few models I've painted

These are Lizardmen Warriors from Age of Sigmar. I had pretty good intentions to paint them to a high standard but the models are so many I made some decisions that took a lot out of it. For example the metallic colours aren't done the same way as my other minis, that I've been painting for the past year and a half. I went for true metallic metal and it is something I am not very good at making look artistically realistic (don't even know how to explain it properly). 

I bought so much materials for the bases since I wanted them to be a jungle themed and you need a lot of variety in that. Can't really put too much on the bases of these smaller models but for some of the bigger ones I have quite a lot to play around with. 

These are Lizardmen Skinks. They are small creatures usually throwing javelins or using blowing pipes to shoot at others. These models are really tiny but still quite detailed. Haven't really done the bases for these yet. A lot of the synthetic plants I've bought just seem to hid the model itself so I'll have to be a bit more reserved in building the ground area for these. 

I do have a few more models from this army that I've started painting but I want to finish them before posting any photos. Got two big dinosaur models and a couple of heroes almost done so stay tuned for that!



The same for me... dinosaurs was my shit when I was a kid.
Nicely done with figures. A bit more Lizards and you will have a little army lol.

It is a whole army stuck in the boxes.. got around 100 models or so lol.

I like the colour that you picked for them.
I wish to get a couple of these minis as a Christmass gift from Santa :d

It is the most common colour used for them I think.. but I do like blue and I like dinosaurs so it works out well.. haha

Cool models. Just bought two starter sets for my 5 year old boys, trying to get then into Seraphons/lizardmen.

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