in #war7 years ago (edited)

The governments of USA, UK and Europe appear to be fighting many wars. They claim to be fighting a war on terrorism, extremism, hate speech, drugs, fake news. They fight secret wars, drug wars, information wars, oil wars we could be approaching a war on Russia while still fighting Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Falklands. They do spend a lot of our taxes on fighting these wars.

But surely thats OK isn't it? After all these wars are being fought for us and against enemies of freedom, right? Wrong, if they were fighting these wars for us they would be fighting wars on poverty, exploitation or oppression! I believe these wars do not exist and there is only one war that is real, that is the war rich/establishment vs poor/the rest of us. They call them things like the “war on drugs” but what does the war on drugs lead to? It leads to harsh punishments to drug addicts instead of help and support. Pablo Escobar has been dead for over 25 years yet Cocaine is still as easy as ever to get your hands on. There is just different middle men, making the money and controlling the supply and I bet the men at the top are not Colombian but American and state sponsored.

They stir up race wars and use racism to keep us divided but this war is not about race its about control, if we are all focusing on each other how can we focus on the real enemy? Which is the corporate and bank controlled state.

The so called war on terror has led in an increase in terrorism because if you fight terrorism using terrorism all you are going to end up with is more terrorism. Than we have the war on extremism and hate speech, but what is extremism and hate speech? There is no clear definition on extremism or hate speech and this is deliberate. In my view most of our mainstream media could easily be categorized as hate speech and promoting extremism but thats not who they are after. The war on extremism, fake news and hate speech is really just a war on your freedom of speech, they’re not going after the corporate media they can and do carry on printing their hate filled racism and propaganda daily.

The government use fear and hate and create problems to control us, without problems there would be no need for a government. These problems are than solved by your government usually at the cost of a little freedom to the people and little more power to the state.


I agree. This has been obvious to me for a very long time. But people are so close minded and biased these days that they just pick sides and refuse any form of debate or conversation. Wich is one of the things that keeps us divided.
I have met many people that said they where open minded. But then did not want to hear someone else their opinion or reasons. xD

Good post. We need to become more aware of what our so called "leaders" are actually doing.

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