North Korea Missile Launch On 11/28/17 ~ WW3 Or Deep State False Flag?

in #war7 years ago

On November 23, 2017, North Korea launches a ballistic test missile. Their biggest one yet. Is this a false flag?

There is a lot of things going on in our country right now in regards to the deep state or shadow government. Is this incident to distract us from what's really going on?

Interestingly, earlier that day Express out of the UK posted an article titled "World War 3 Fears: North Korea set for missile launch in 'NEXT FEW DAYS' warns Japan". Now, this was posted prior to the missile launch from North Korea. It reads that North Korea has been threatening another launch following a series of provocative tests earlier this year over Japan terrifying citizens.

In a separate article from Express but also the same day, they reported that Washington is on alert. Now they not only foresee it happening, now they are warning the United States. In the article it claims two anonymous US government officials were told North Korea could fire a missile sometime during that week. They go on to state they believe these claims could be accurate.. and ironically it happened that very same day the articles were posted.

To add to the oddness of the timing, The Washington Post released an article the day BEFORE the missile launch (11/27/17) titled "Hawaii brings back Cold War-era nuclear warning sirens amid fears of North Korea strike". It reads, as nuclear tensions between North Korea and the US grow, officials in Hawaii are "walking a delicate line", planning for a catastrophe while assuring residents and tourists that they can keep sipping beverages from coconuts without alarm. The "without alarm part" was set to get harder that Friday when the government set to bring back a state-wide nuclear attack siren to notify islanders that a missile is headed towards them. They plan to run drills regularly with no end date in sight. The article and the timing of it was chilling to say the least. The powers that be are really putting the fear into these people.

Now, remember President Trump's tweet on November 11th when he was in Vietnam? It read "Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old, when I would never call him short and fat? Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend - and maybe someday that will happen". What the heck does that mean?

Is North Korea really the threat that we are led to believe? Are they really capable of destroying us and putting the fear of World War 3 into our heads? Or is it all about the fear that they are trying to give us?

Who is really behind North Korea?

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