Alternative Facts (Fake News): Mainstream News Nonsense

in #war7 years ago (edited)

Holidays For Soldiers and Marines

Many of us who have worn the uniform know what it is like to be deployed overseas during the holidays. As if it were not difficult enough being away from family and friends, the holidays present an even tougher road to travel.

Personally, I have spent Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays in Japan, Panama, the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean. It was a difficult time and if not for the camaraderie of my fellow Marines, I would have been undone. I remember, while in Panama, the Army PsyOps fellows playing Christmas music over their loudspeakers in our area of operations. Though the songs were familiar, they saddened me.


Hearing that music, I thought of my mother who I knew would be attending Eucharist Services with my other family members. I thought of my sister and her children. I thought of my brother. I thought of my friends. To be sitting in a combat operations center with a radio handset to my ear in the middle of a jungle was not my idea of a Merry Christmas.

Today's Military and Their Masters in Washington

Today our Nation's boys and girls in uniform are flung across the globe. Some are serving in combat, some in one of a myriad of bases outside of the continental United States. I think about how they are feeling now. I am sure they are proud sacrificing for their families and friends, but I know in my heart of hearts that they are missing their people and their homes.


I wish that those folks within our Republic who wish to exert their will on other Nations through military means, would take a moment to think about these brave women and men. And not only those in uniform, but their families as well. Those we leave at home suffer as much as we, if not more.

I don't perceive myself as a peacenik, but believe that war should always be a last resort after every other modus operandi of foreign policy is exhausted. Our elected leaders seem to think throwing the first punch is better than talking through disagreements diplomatically. Diplomacy has become all but an extinct art among our statesmen.

A Message of Hope

It is important, not only this holiday season but throughout the year, that we be mindful of the sacrifices of our Military, and the families that send their sons and daughters off to war. It is paramount that we as a Nation speak out and be involved in the discussion. We all complain at one time or another, but as my daddy used to say,

If you complain about something then you best have a proposed solution. Act.

I guess that is why I am an Activist. I am just doing what my daddy told me.

It is a little early for the holidays, but I wish all of you a Happy Kwanza, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, عيد ميلاد سعيد, and Gut Yontiff, Happy Kwanza

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