Remembrance Day.

in #war7 years ago

Originally written, 6 November 2012.
First please accept my apologies to those who take offence.I in no way intend to dis-honour the deceased or to soil the memories of their loved ones.
I believe Remembrance Day should at this point in history be changed to fit the facts.
As is has in the past and is still observed today, Remembrance Day is a somber,respectful giving of thanks to all those who paid the ultimate price in order to protect and insure the continued "freedom" that we now "enjoy" today. We wear plastic poppies on our chest and remind each other and ourselves that "We must never forget"
There are some things in this with which I agree. That we must NEVER forget. And that those who gave their lives should be "properly" honoured.
I said earlier that I believe Remembrance Day should change "at this point in history" For one reason. At no point in recorded history until now, has the general population been able to learn the real facts behind historical events.
The Internet has changed and expanded the human consciousness. The veil has been lifted for those who choose to look.
Until now. All of mankind was dependant on "those in charge" for information about the world. When humans stopped their persistence hunting/nomadic lifestyle and started living in permanent settlements, a hierarchy was created. Those who did the day to day work of maintaining the society and those who made the decisions. This fragmented society making the people believe that they are different than their neighbour and some people are better or more important than others.As this continued through history the perceived divisions grew and multiplied.Society became more and more separate and compartmentalized. This meant that now the people were only "aware" of their little niche in their now significantly smaller world and information about the rest of the world outside their little "pigeon hole" was either. Completely absent from their lives or dolled out to them by "those in power" at the time. The latter is what we call "Recorded history" and was followed unquestionably as the truth.
We now live in a wonderful time.
For the first time in history regular people can "successfully" research current world events and historical "facts" for themselves from multiple sources. only now, Due to this are we able to see recorded history for what it really is. False. A centuries long stream of lies and false propaganda designed to shift wealth and power to select few and to solidify that power.
The way this has been done is easy for those who simply care to look to see...
This is not a conspiracy theory. This is the truth of history that has been kept from us through the indoctrination of lies into the collective consciousness as truths.
If one looks...One can find all the information they need to discover the real history of the world.
Ever since ancient times man has made war. We've become incredibly good at it....And since ancient times, those in power have been the only ones to benefit. Watching in luxurious comfort far from the front as "there own people" are killed, maimed and milked of their resorces.
War takes a multitude of people "willing" to send their family members into the killing fields. This.... Is an un-natural thing to do.
So... Since war furthers the agenda of those "in power", They need to convince the people to lay down their lives.
Now they couldn't exactly be honest... "We need you to go to war"..." We're gonna put you all in debt to do it"...."Debt that you will owe to us by the way."..."Why?... Because generating that debt is how we will end up owning the whole planet and all the suckers on it." This would not be terribly effective. For obvious reasons.
In order to reach their goal they need to fabricate a conflict. This is easily done since the population gets their information about the world from them anyway. So the people had no idea what those in other countries were like or how they lived, so it's no problem convincing them that those guys over there... They are "dangerous" and "evil" "they are the "enemy" and must be stopped. They found the best way to create fear of your fellow man is to paint them as Radically different then us. "whoever the (us) might be" And that they have an interest in attacking the way of life of others. Again.... this is unnatural. But without any evidence to the contrary. People (for the most part) believe they now have reason to fear this new "enemy" This... If done on both sides (and it always is) is effective in getting the people behind the proposed war. Almost... An actual event that can be pointed to as an example of the "danger" the "enemy" represents needs to take place in order for the people to willingly offer to feed the war machine with their babies. Since the conflict is in fact a tool being used to enslave the people in debt and not a conflict at all... Such an event must be engineered.
Enter the False Flag Operation... For those who don't know. That is when a country attacks itself and and claims another country did it or A country facilitates an attack on itself by another country.Every major conflict since Roman times has been of the same nature. To the same end. To benefit the same people. Throughout history false flag ops have been used as the catalyzing event to force war on the people...and every major "conflict has been financed on both sides by the same people who engineered the conflict.
Anyone can go and find out the truth of this for themselves.
Go look! The proof is out there.
So.... Now that we know all this... The reasoning behind my statement about Remembrance Day should be self evident.
Remembrance Day should no longer be a day of somber reflection and appreciation of sacrifices made for freedom. Remembrance Day should now be the day we DEMAND JUSTICE for the tens of thousands (or more) who gave their lives for a lie! Those poor souls walked into their own murders, and died horribly not to ensure freedom but to "enslave" all future generations in debt. Yet this fact. We either close our eyes to, or choose to forget.
We must not support the continued indoctrination and brainwashing that allowed this murderous reign of terror we call History. Remembrance Day should be the day we take our lives and the world back and never forget what we allowed to happen to the whole world.
All because our eyes were closed.
~Richard Hegy.


Did you ever wonder Why poppies? Why not carnations or daffodils..........Think about it

Yeah... that has always bothered me.

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