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RE: The Cost of the 'War on Terror': 500,000+ Killed and Climbing

in #war6 years ago

I find it ironic that they insinuate the Democrats oppose wars. Many (myself included) felt Hillary was pushing for one with Russia, and Obama wasn't opposed to dropping his fair share of bombs and replacing foreign governments.

It has been many years and forget the source. But I remember reading after Bush Jr invaded Iraq they has placed the death toll from lack of medicine, food and clean water at around half a million from the time his daddy set them up and began bombing them and cutting them off from the necessities. I had thought then that had Saddam had a way to get revenge he would have already. Especially the way daddy Bush set him up with the whole Kuwait thing after he had been such a good puppet for them during the 8 year war with Iran.


It’s amusing that anyone thinks either of the two faux parties, one party in reality, are against war. They scream against it but their votes paint a different picture.

Yeah, it's divide and conquer bullshit. Yes, the indirect death toll is in the millions. And the Kuwait baby killing affair was a good lie to get popular support for Desert Storm.

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