
Howdy sir optout! What war was this general referring to?

Howdy Mr. Jonboy! He was referring to all of them! He was a two star Marine Corps general that retired in the early 1930's. He had been a young Marine in late 1800's when the US was invading banana republics in the Caribbean and Central America left and right. Before WWII got a lot of soldiers a lot of medals, Smedley was the most decorated military man in US history (when he wrote his pamphlet.) In the 1930's, he felt that Roosevelt and the ruling class were trying to trick America into getting involved in WWII, so he wrote a pamphlet called, "War Is A Racket." He then started running for President against Roosevelt. Some powerful men who didn't like Roosevelt invited Smedley to a meeting where they told him their plan to overthrow Roosevelt and install Smedley as a military dictator of America until they could "restore the Republic." Smedley flat refused to have anything to do with their plan, but the rumors circulated and he knew he could never win election so he withdrew to private life. Shortly after, Pearl Harbor happened and the ruling class got their BIG WAR!

Howdy today sir optout! Wow, that's some fascinating history! Do you have a copy of that pamphlet that he wrote?

Oh, there it is! Great job sir optout. I've got that url saved so I can check it out and read later.

I got a few details wrong. I was off on his active career time by quite a bit!

I think history dates are really hard to remember so that's understandable sir optout.

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