Australia, the ally war mongerers!

in #war7 years ago

Australia borrows almost $25 billion each year on offense (defence), money which the government does not have, further indebting the nation and ensuring the future impoverishment of the masses.

"But evil, nasty people will come and try to hurt us if we don't have soldiers to protect us."

I'm pretty sure the soldiers are halfway across the world bombing and killing innocent civilians, ironically making us less safe.

Some people have this insane idea that all these people from overseas are going to come and impose themselves on over 20 million Australians.

Sure, there are a few isolated attacks in retribution from people who have been radicalised, DUE TO ours and other countries' reckless foreign policy.

Stop the bombings and then we can have peace without suffering and not be forced to take refugees who really wanted to stay in their homeland before we bombed and destroyed it.


I was aware of the US and the UK indulging in "defense" far far away from their own borders... but am surprised to hear Australia implicated in such.

I don't suppose you have a source?

Oh... and welcome to Steemit! ^_^

We spend roughly 2% of GDP on defence (offense). And we basically just follow the US like we're their slaves.

That is less surprising. The US dedicates at least 10% of the national budget to "defense".

The level of collaboration is suggestive of a sinister force orchestrating things from behind the scenes. Faces and names that never grace ballots...

Australia sends very little "known" support. However we have to maintain our obligation to our allies. It is an agreement. Without our allies we certainly would have to spend a lot more on military budget, which wouldnt be a bad thin if it was spent internally, i.e. building our own stuff.

Iwould creat jobs which this country desperately needs

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