2nd Amendment of the Week by Colion Noir - Armed St Louis Couple Pointed Guns at Protesters After Breaking Community Gate - Was It Legal?

in #war4 years ago

For practical purposes and laws aside (laws do count, so I'm not telling you to ignore laws), lets apply some common sense results here. So, every person that has been beaten, hospitalized, bullied effectively, intimidated, or looted by BLM or ANTIFA "protesters was not armed. Every time these same "protesters" are confronted by citizens baring arms, those same armed citizens do not get robbed, beaten, etc. The one exception is a guy was being chased and was hit when he turned his back. However, he was not baring arms at that point....he was carrying concealed. After he was hit, he drew, shot one of the "protesters" and the others retreated ONLY after he bared arms.

I agree with Colion...these lawyers need training. Owning firearms is only half of the equation...you must learn and train with them...note for those he have some training...keep training, because your skills will degrade over time. To add on to Colion's remarks, I recommend the guy get a shotgun and also carry a sidearm...very good options a close range. Let the wife have the AR, but get a pistol version in something like a 300 Blackout...easy for her to handle and has good knockdown power. A CZ Scorpion in 9mm with 50 round drum magazine is good option as well...she should also carry a side arm...and of course, get the training and practice. Also practice scenarios.

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