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RE: Saudi Arabia Hiring More Executioners to Keep Up With Beheading Demands, and Germany Set to Train Saudi Soldiers
I know. But my question is about what should be and not on how things are.
I know. But my question is about what should be and not on how things are.
Answer is no then. I think the only way to stop the things from happening is to take away the power for them to happen.
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The answer is yes. I know that. You say no but I said yes. Now, you are calling me a liar which is too bad for you. Because you may have this attitude that says you don't care about what I'm trying to say. Is that why you hate Alex Jones? I talk just like him. I think you don't get him either.
Sure don't hate AJ or anyone else. Just dont want someone else to dictate life and say it is better when it is only better for a few. He is just a bull horn in a crowd of people. More and more are moving beyond his sell out status. He flips more than Trump flops.
You say yes because the police state extortionists have done so much for Amerika when you could not be more wrong. I guess you never listened to Ron Paul talk about #blowback. Creating conflict abroad and allowing people into our borders that refuse to assimilate is festering more and more. Allowing our children to die for another illegitimate empire no matter its size is not patriotism and does not make us safe.
Not calling you a liar when you place all of that implication in a simple question. I didnt realize your position. Either way now knowing I am simply calling you naive.
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Ron Paul was on Alex Jones. Open Borders is destroying America in 2019 like it has been in Europe. There are many wars going on, info wars. Alex interviews and talks to all kinds of people. I love learning the news, tomorrow's news today. There are so many things happening in the world at the same time right now. I am trying to shrink federal government. I am trying to raise awareness of the swamp, corruption, crimes. I am trying to educate people of so many different topics and things. Alex Jones red pills so many people of so many different things. We can write so many books, no, wait, libraries, of all of these different things. That is why YouTube terminated him and are now terminating Steven Crowder and 2 of my channels as well.
Ron Paul goes on CNN so that makes them 100%. That is how you speak of him in absolute. You love learning so much but have you even tried to listen to the man who found AJ and GCN?
No matter his gateway prowess people need to move on and learn to analyze cor themselves the things that AJ claims to know yet never talks about.
Alex Jones founded himself.
Go get some more koolaid. Your closed mind is stressing me out.
Posted using Partiko Android
Why are you so closed minded? Whopi Goldberg at least talked to the Proud Boys.