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RE: The Humanity of the Trenches

in #war6 years ago

Sadly too many forgotten, too few stop to think about history, how many of the fallen were exceptionally young.

A great song, with haunting words.


Some of them were only 15 when they joined up. Imagine a 15-year-old boy today, used to being dropped off at school and permanently plugged into his cellphone - suddenly being dropped into the middle of that horror.

They would not know what has hit them, this type of thing can happen again because people tend to forget.

Looking at youth today, having a different quagmire to get through, very little freedom as we would refer to freedom being able to play outdoors only returning home before the sun went down. No phones, no restrictions, a heavy burden of expectation is placed on the young generation in different ways.

That's sadly true. I can't help but feel that our generation were the luckiest kids in history.

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