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RE: hurling of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

in #war7 years ago

I gave you the full vote but do not agree on this article. Yes, nuclear weapons are a last resort and should not exist but they do. One of the interesting things about North Korea is that it can have peace any time it wants.

Really, this is a true that the United States can steamroll the country into nothing without nuclear weapons any time it wants. This is true.

The North Koreans for reasons of their own wish the regime that have and what is funny or perhaps really odd is that many people do not realize that the United States saved the Soviet Union and North Korea. This is very true.

The United States provided arms, ammunition, aircraft, supplies, armor, and all things to the Soviet Union during World War II.

The Soviet Union was woefully backward in technology compared to the Germans at the beginning of the war. For Russians, this has almost always been the case in history. Don;t get me wrong, the Russians are tough.

Also, you must realize that the Japanese are as tough as nails. They have been attacked by China and remained free for thousands of years. It is because they are tough and legendary warriors. Japanese at that time fought to the death. If they failed in a mission they killed themselves by seppuku also known as hari kari (sp?)

To a Japanese, a suicide mission to achieve an objective is nothing. Many times, their officers refused to use a gun during World War II. They used a samurai sword or a bow.

Countless Russians perished in World War II before they finally gained the upper hand.

One must always remember that record keeping then was not what it was today. If someone had no birth certificate or was uneducated, it did not matter in the world back then not so long ago.

My grandfather was a very decorated soldier with so many medals it was unbelievable. He only made it through the third grade.

The world was so different that it is unknown to the people of today. In the United States, most people still lived on family farms. Today, that is almost all gone. Corporate farms have replaced almost all.

Again, the Japanese were so tough, that the United States saved many a country, even China.

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