Invading Russian property means war

in #war7 years ago

Violate any international law in Russian territory and seek representations. Yes, this is exactly the next illegal and insolent way of Washington today. In order to break bridges, no more dialogues, no longer talk to each other. This certainly contributes to a better mutual understanding and ultimately to a solution of the world-wide conflicts. After the tightening of sanctions, it is the next provocative step towards a war between the United States and the Russian Federation. Trump is switched off and the Deep State has demonstrated its power.

FBI agents before the Russian trade mission in Washington

The FBI has started the search of the Russian diplomatic property in Washington on Saturday, as the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, confirmed. She said the diplomats would hold the illegal search with photos and videos, as she said, to secure this as evidence of the legal breach. In a video that has already been released, you can see how officials of the FBI open the ventilation shafts and check whether something is hidden in it. They also inspect the dwelling-houses of diplomats. The Russians had only 36 hours to clear the buildings.

The spokesman of the Russian Embassy, ​​Nikolay Lakhonin, told the media, with the search of Russian diplomatic property was started after the closure at 14:00 clock local time. The operation is conducted under the direction of the US State Department. The staff of the Russian embassy was allowed to be present during the search, having "vehemently insisted," said Lakhonin. The head of the Russian trade mission in the US, Aleksandr Stadnik, said to journalists, he considered the search of the buildings as a demonstration of power and a takeover, a blatant violation of international law

The American authorities had arbitrarily lifted the diplomatic immunity of the trade mission in Washington DC. She would now carry on her work at the Embassy, ​​Stadnik said. Washington has ordered the closing of the Russian consulate in San Francisco, as well as two properties in Washington DC and New York on August 31, with only a deadline of TWO days! The search of the consulate and the homes of the diplomats is a clear violation of diplomatic immunity as agreed in the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (WÜD).

On Saturday, Russia ordered the deputy "chef de mission" of the US embassy in Moscow and handed him a protest note on the search of Russian property in the US. Moscow said it views the inspections as "an aggressive action" that could be used by US intelligence agencies to "orchestrate an anti-Russian provocation by planting compromising things."


That is why the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published photographs showing the empty spaces of Russian estates.


On Saturday, the smokescreen of the Russian consulate in San Francisco saw black smoke rising, although the city is suffering from a heat wave. Presumably, the employees have burned confidential material that can not fall into the hands of the Americans. What the US imperialists are demonstrating here is a complete disregard of all rules and agreements. They behave as if the world belongs to them. A very dangerous precedent, since from now on, no diplomatic institution of a state is safe from the intrusion of American minions. Is there any protest from the western capitals against this anti-American action? NO. That is the proof, the Europeans are Washington's lackeys, who do not trust what to say!

In this, the US is world champion, who is not subordinated, spied, sanctioned, extorted and threatened. Everything evil always comes from the good! Just imagine the opposite case, Russian policemen would penetrate the American diplomatic missions in Russia and search them, which would then be heard for a shout from the media and from the politicians' mouths. First, it was an information war, then an economic war, and now a diplomatic war.

Together with NATO's eastward expansion, the incorporation of the former Soviet republics into the EU and NATO, the violent overthrow of the elected government in Kiev and the war against the ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine, and the bringing of soldiers and military equipment directly to the border to Russia, as well as the constant maneuvers in the Baltic and the Black Sea, one can only come to a conclusion, the shadow power wants a war with Russia. Trump has nothing to say and must obey.

To do this fits the bill on World Peace Day reports have appeared, the US want to cancel the INF Treaty, which means a great danger of a nuclear war in Europe. The Süddeutsche Zeitung reported Friday that the US Congress had already "initiated the first legislative steps" to the possible termination of the INF Treaty. The Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty or the Washington Treaty on Nuclear Medium Range Systems is a bilateral agreement between the US and the Soviet Union on the destruction of all missiles with medium and shorter range (500 to 5500 kilometers) and their prohibition of production.

The threat of "the US to build new rockets and also to station in Europe," writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung, "big" would come to slip "and Europe would be" on the brink of a new nuclear age ... Nuclear medium-range missiles were terrifying the cold war ... 30 years later, the ghost returns. " It is already clear to you that Western Europe will thus be the first battlefield of a war. Especially Germany will disappear completely from the ground, will be eradicated, because there are many American military bases, command centers and a warehouse for atomic bombs, which are all targets for Russian atomic rockets.

Actually, millions of Germans would have to demonstrate long before the American Embassy in Berlin against this irresponsible US aggression against Russia. They would have to cry out aloud: "skin finally from Germany" and "we do not want war" But what do they do? NOTHING! Just sit on the sofa and watch TV. Formula 1 and Sportschau in the afternoon, and in the evening the TV duel Merkel-Schulz. You get what you deserve and you really deserved the national traitor Merkel for the fourth time and the over 70-year occupation of the Amis!


People are like morons. I wonder was there any moment in our history similar to the one we live.
Ignorant bastards nothing else. I don't have any patience for those people. I just blame them for everything.
Well we are all going to pay the price of our behavior. Maybe that is the way to become better and more human

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