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RE: Pentagon so proud of its 'Angel of Death' killing machine...US Tax dollars hard at work!

in #war6 years ago

Pretty sad when a nation that holds itself up as a moral authority in the world promotes and glorifies its ability to deliver ever increasing amounts of pain and death in an ever smaller, more concentrated package.

In America, our mentality is so completely "us and against them" that we have fully dehumanized the "them" to the extent that we pat ourselves on the back for being able to more thoroughly destroy the "them" without even feeling the need to identify who the "them" happens to be. We just lump the "them" under the moniker "terrorist" and congratulate ourselves for eliminating something as nebulous as "evil" from the world. No nuance, no context, no historical knowledge, no desire to see the "Other" as a human being. Sad.

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