Money Changers Takeover the world, 2017 yrs later.

in #war7 years ago (edited)

Today, during the month of May. 2017, America can reflect back on the long, sometimes silent, sometimes not so silent, war against its own sovereignty. What was once American fiduciary duty, to oppose, reject, and prevent the European bloodlines from controlling our freedoms, our banks, and each and every industrial complex, is now considered a form of terrorism. Supporting the militia is considered dangerous and dissent, as well as domestic terrorism. The Timothy McVeigh episode was sure to socially engineer this mindset, as well as Waco, Ruby Ridge, and the Rainbow Farm. We are no longer under control by those that respect our freedoms. There is infiltration at the highest levels of what once was a protection layer to this entity. It was knowledge. This knowledge of the money changers and their tactical mission to dominate any opposition of their will, shall be their fodder. Just as the build up to WWII, which established the scene we see today, history is repeating itself with a vengeance. Zionism and the ones referred to as the Elders of Zion are a legitimately powerful entity in both the financial and economic front and the religious arm of control. This is the method that has perpetrated thee very "divide and conquer" way of life we blindly lead as society, into our will as a people. It is now engrained through the mechanism of opposing differences of opinion, race, and beliefs.

The ways in which we have witnessed history being altered, and in turn, the future guided, via lies, deception, and outright abuse of power need to be more apparent to others. Our duty as people to support and proliferate as a species is being severely threatened and impinged upon and we are taught not to even recognize this. We as a collective cannot even discuss the business practices of our own central banks because we are blinded by the existence and promise of "Wall Street", instead. The very existence of the stock exchange is a tool to the central banks to liquidate wealth were needed. It is a control mechanism of the finest design. Giving control of our central banking system was only the opening credits to today's current history unfolding.
Each and every American war, American atrocity, and every ounce of American suffering is controlled and directed by the very money changers Jesus opposed, and was crucified by. Considering an entire religion is based off this story, shouldn't it be better known? Shouldn't children learn instead of how great the supposed homeland of Jesus is, and instead learn of its atrocity to commit fraud and perpetuate violence for decades, centuries, and now millennia? A Zionist take over, less than 100 years in the making is capitalizing on history like never before. The antisemetic threat to discuss the atrocity and negative impact coming out of Israel today is truly of biblical proportions, once again. Zealots are making for certain and funding their own version of the apocalypse. Gods chosen ones are being delivered their goyim, and not a single one of them even know what that means!
The willingness to support their own demise is of unspeakable proportions. This has made Orwells prediction via a fictional story pale in comparison to the reality of the future it preceded.
The social engineering that is in effect and has become americas newest addiction has taken hold and is being used to remove all emotional response and replace it wil negative vibrations and impair the "good of humanity" and its will to thrive. This may be a metaphysical approach, but the spiritual significance of the collective emoting negative energy is optimum for this cabal to thrive, and a bleak hindrance for the people. More need to recognize the benefit, effect, and power of critical mass. In simple terms, 144,000 people collectively tuned to the same emotional vibration of love, belonging, and safety are key to becoming something greater than the negative Archonic entity that inhibits the Zionist trades. There is an effort that can be put forth mentally, that will reduce the impact of the Archons threats and actions of violence and detriment. But it requires the knowledge and understanding that this is possible. Belief of this is step one to cleansing of negative beliefs. Negative beliefs fuel the archonic platform of control. The walls of Jericho is the biblical story presenting this understanding.
I am the last to competently discuss biblical theology, but this one is obvious in today's climate. This story is a key to humanity to understand self. Instead our media directs us further and further from this sacred truth and no one even recognizes the danger they are their future generations.

Take care, and protect what is important.

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