
You have a very interesting take/approach to this subject. So what do you think is the driving force behind people's continued warring? If the suffering continues to affect us all, then is war our response to end suffering?

I don't feel war is what we do to avoid suffering, because we all know it produces suffering. When has there been a war without suffering? Seems then that we are willing to suffer to win. Could it be we believe we will have less suffering than if we lose? The flipside to that is the losers are likely to suffer more than if they win too. So suffering is a net addition by the consequence of war, one way or another. But all these beliefs we build up about our future suffering are expectations that we never know will be real, even though they appear real to us at the time. Not many accurately predict the future, so these beliefs are likely just false expectations appearing real, simply - fear. So it's fear we are acting on to make war because we believe it will avoid suffering, but war always brings more suffering. So it's completely counterintuitive but that's the nature of fear - we act on it to avoid an outcome but that often brings about the very outcome we sought to avoid.

And I wonder: is that even possible (it's a more from a realist viewpoint that pessimistic)

If energy isn't created or destroyed but simply changes, we have reason to believe it's the same with our being or our awareness. So we have also reason to believe that pain and suffering doesn't vanish after our so called death. Since we all have an individual pain threshold, it follows a collective pain threshold exists too that our collective awareness is subject to. That would be inclusive of all of us, since we came into being. So, its not unreasonable to suggest that on reaching that threshold we are impelled to change. Like an insurance policy in case we decide not to change direction earlier. So there's good reason to believe that change is inevitable.

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