Translate @MrWang Videos For Golos - Earn Some WANGCHANGE

in #wangchange7 years ago

In an effort to expand the brand name and fanbase of @MrWang, WorldWide... I would like to offer everyone an opportunity to earn some WANGCHANGE as a reward for translating my youtube videos to Russian language for the Golos Community. video translation.png

Follow This Link To My Youtube Videos

and translate the Titles, any descriptions and the videos into Russian language. I will review and confirm once finished and award your provided bitshares account with .01 WANGCHANGE/per video. This offer is for anybody with a bitshares account that is able to translate to Russian language for Golos. There are several videos in the link provided so there is plenty of opportunity to earn portions of WANGCHANGE.

Better Hurry...

If this doesn't pick up any traction here on Steemit.. I will take this opportunity to Golos and offer it to them...

Be sure to leave any information necessary for proof of work, in the comments section below. Resteem and tweet this post for an opportunity to earn WANGCENTS as well.

Tell all your friends about me... @MrWang is taking over

WANGCHANGE on Cryptofresh


Till Next Time... Adios Amigos

We Need You To Come To Discord And Voice Your Opinions

PS... For the absolute best experience.. download the app for your desktop or mobile

retweet & resteem this post and comment with a link to the tweet and your BTS name for WANGCENTS on OL. Must be active in the past week with recent post.. not just resteems..


Something tells me, Russia would like the Wang of Mister!

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