Tim Walz will be the first Democratic VP nominee since 1964 who doesn't have a law degree!

in #walz2 months ago


That's terrible. Law schools should file a lawsuit to prevent his nomination. Only lawyers have the necessary credentials to serve as VP, and do the difficult work of sitting around waiting for the president to die (as one of FDR's VP's famously put it).

On a slightly more serious note, selecting Walz over Shapiro strikes me as Harris’ first significant mistake since entering the race. Walz is a bad choice on both policy and electoral grounds. Time will tell if error has big impact or relatively small (either scenario is possible, I think).

On electoral grounds, Shapiro clearly has more appeal to swing voters (as proven by his much better record with such people in his campaigns - getting higher percentages of the vote in a less blue state), and could be decisive in a key swing state (PA, which is the the most likely tipping point state). Even a 1-2 point difference could matter a lot. The idea that Shapiro would lose votes on the left because of Israel/Gaza is largely false (see Nate Silver's analysis on this point). And his positions on those issues are little different from Walz's. Yes, Walz does well on TV talk shows. But few swing voters watch them or care what's said there.

On policy, Shapiro is pretty good on several issues on which many other Dems are bad (licensing, housing, school choice, a few others). Walz is almost always as bad as the average left-wing Democrat or even worse. His signature policies as governor have been pretty bad: universal free school lunch is a huge waste (no reason to give it to non-poor students); big spending increases; terrible Covid restrictions, and a few others.

Walz isn't all bad on policy! Under his leadership, Minnesota legalized marijuana, allowed undocumented immigrants to get licenses (this also enables them to contribute more to the economy), may become a sanctuary state (see my work on that subject for why it's good), enacted permitting reform for "green" energy projects, and passed a single-stair bill (this makes it easier to build new housing by no longer requiring two or more staircases). But, on balance, it's not a good record, and certainly worse than Shapiro's.

When he was in Congress, representing a purple to light-red district, Walz was much more moderate. He even had an "A" rating from the NRA! But he's been much more left-wing as governor. Perhaps that just means he's a weaselly politician who does whatever it takes to get power. But where he has wiggle room, he uses it for ill more than for good.

Overall, This ticket is still less bad than Trump-Vance. I will write a more serious piece on that sometime in the next few weeks. But that's only because the latter are so horrendously awful.

Probably won't respond to comments on this post much, because am too busy.

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